Join a forum and FREE your mind. Teach yourself to respond to feedback and get to know the right questions to ask.
Find Your Online Personal Training and Practice
Skills you will gain with your Personal training
To get started
is always the problem
Let us help and support – join from the comfort of your home.
Personal training and a life coach forum.
To set the goals is one thing, to start achieving and progressing is something else. It is always a problem to get started and keep the consistency. It is hard and if you do it alone, it is impossible. But with personal training, you get the support you need.
The life coach forum is the inspiration, and the tools you need on a daily basis. Personal training is not one hour a month, personal training is the small things you do for yourself on a daily basis.
Personal training
Personal training is in the doing, which is why the life coach forums are so efficient, because you get to ask, the question and find the meaning that makes sense to you.
When you have a talk with your boss, what is the most important thing for you? That you can align with the needs your boss have, not what you want or desire, but what he/she wants. They are responsible for the target, the goals and the outcome, and they must not only like you, they must believe that you are the right person to do the job.
It’s not the most qualified that gets the job, it’s the one who can aligns best with the boss in the interview. Working must be fun and we choose the people we manage to align with.
Your benefits from Personal training
Personal training gives you options, insight, facts and inspiration to know how to align and what not to do.
It’s the same with your partner, it’s not the one best looking or with most money, but the on with whom you can create – the real life you want to live.
The personal training will improve your insight into your own ability to be flexible to achieve the goal. There are many ways, pick the one which takes you there.
The Personal Training
from the comfort of your home.
Life coach forum Personal Training
It is a membership to have personal support, and we support you through our membership.
Why membership because it is on-going daily support in your personal link. How can you think if your mind jumple with all differen thing.
A clear mind gives you well-being
A life coach mentor is your direct access.
The Life Coach Mentor
The life coach mentor Pocket Coach is to help you unclutter things in your mind that keep you stuck. There are mentors who goal is help you succeed because when you succeed, they succeed. Therefore, it’s a group effort and win-win for everyone involved. You can do it alone or receive support as you see fit. The main purpose is to get things out of your head so you can flourish. It’s difficult to flourish when things are jumbled in your head. Here is a place to get it out, deal with it as you see fit, develop a plan, and move forward.The Life coach mentor is to support you daily
Here is the chance for you to utilize a proprietary method to set the right goal for yourself, make the right choices, and utilize time wisely. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. How long have you been where you are now? How much longer are you willing to be in the same state or worse? What is the worst that could happen? What if you succeed, would it have been worth it?
Our passion is you, and you living the best you on your own terms and succeeding in every area of life. Do you want this for yourself? If so, click the link below and begin your powerful, unique, new journey. The life coach mentor is a backup day by day.
See the process is simple, but hard to achieve! However, with faith, burning desire, definite purpose, and an organized plan, the effort is worth it.
Don’t delay, help is available now, join us and get life coach mentor, the support you need and most of all want.
Alone and Why You Feel Alone and What You Can Do
- Want to feel the love…. – What do you do
- Want to feel needed…. – What do you do
- Want to feel important….. – What do you do
- Want to feel wiser…. – What do you do
- Want to feel smart….. – What do you do
- Want to feel fame…. – What do you do
- Want to feel rich – What do you do
When feeling alone you have a desire a goal, You know what you want. the challenge, the problem is how to do it?
If you knew how to do it you would not feel alone.
If you knew how to step out and do it you would not be thinking I am alone.
You are not alone.
No human can do anything alone, it’s no fun there is no one to laugh with, and it is not a good feeling to do anything alone. What is a good feeling is to do something with someone and be good at it?
That’s why CAL works. Because we help people come together and be part of something, we team up and during the journey, we become better and better to excellence.
It is no fun running a Marathon or playing football if you do it alone. The fun is showing other people what you have learned, and your memories are the fun you had while you were learning. There is always a new game, a new situation and if just one thing changes, it can change the whole game.
There is no perfect and there is no enough, it can always be better.
Have you ever felt outsmarted because you did not know it or because someone was smart not telling you?
Listen to this?
What are you thinking when you read this?
Think about
Why Do you feel alone
Most often we choose loneliness when we cannot overcome a challenge or problem. That is when our loneliness starts from here the mind takes over and start telling us, what happens if we do.
Let it go, use the forums and run your forum.
Step out?
What do you feel?
Overcome difficult times How to deal and handle difficult times
This forum is about – how to get up?
Knocked down feeling sorry for yourself is not going to accomplice anything except making it worse. We have for so long laughed at people doing stupid things, how they made us laugh – guess who is the stupid one, guess who made the money – the people who have served with acting and done stupid things on Facebook and Instagram have made millions and can today relax learn back. Smile and say they made it. Now they can pay to get people to do anything for them.
What happens if you are not alone
1. How we support you to be a good leader is a network where leaders can ask and learn from other leaders we talk and learn from each other. Good leader care, good leaders work hard to on why, what, and how How to be a great leader should be something that every professional who takes upon him or herself the role as a leader should be working and very interested in.
Very few people are by nature great leaders and the great leaders of this world when we look back in history who were they. Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Roosevelt, Thatcher, Merkel is some of the historical leaders we think of.
They had one thing in common, they knew how to speak to people. Every day “as a leader” you speak to people. Every day as a leader you have an impact on somebody else’s life.
- To be a good leader you need to do what?
- And how do you practice your leadership?
Lead yourself out of
At Coachingandlife we talk to action to how –
On of the best things you can ever do is
take good care of yourself
by being what you would admire.
Coaching matters in life
When we use coaching we seek alignment. We use coaching to gain alignment, which is a method to get the alignment between two people or between you and your desired goals. It is a way to open up alternatives to find ways to the solution.
There is never one way, it is always multi ways. Often when we work together the goals is not important, but how you do it. It is how we use coaching to gain alignment. How you make your boss feel, how you act, talk and walk is how you use coaching to gain alignment.
People are hired for skills and fired on how they are.
In leadership coaching matters
Never has coaching been more important, if you ask me. Why because we need to align and find understanding at a much better level than we do today. People are fired for so small things like their boss doesn’t like them. They walk wrong or talk wrong. Leadership is your boss’s ability to get you onboard and get you moving. It is why we use coaching to gain alignment. Give you skills and training to know how to work in a company. You apply for a job and the moment you walk into the company everyone assumes you understand and get it.
HR has tested you and they often know you better than you know yourself. Why use coaching to gain alignment. Coaching is the only tool we know today that can make us align with each other and while we today have software tools to give us insight and facts the old days a leader’s coaching was done on a hunch.
Business leadership and coaching
Nothing is more important to the business than the alignment you get in all the team. How to gain the information and anlyze the informaton in real-time is possible today, and we collaborate with who has the tool. We also give you the training. Why because alignment counts and it matter not only for how you feel, but for how the business will do.
Solid business has strong aligment with workers and employees.
Fail and Why coaching matters in life
We fail and we do, we are humans but fact is that the more we learn and the better we are at finding alignment, the more we will train and practice to become better. Using coaching to gain alignment is a tool.
What can go wrong and why would you not recomment something or someone. If the alignment is missing you feel misunderstood and the frustration comes out. Find your way with out having the right courses training and learning is very difficult.
Finding the right people who can support and guide you going forward is what you must work for and with. Being able to ask people who know you, or having a solid good coach is more important than you can imagine.
Let us face it, in this world there is not room for mistakes and not even room for mistakes there is no room for the doubt of a mistake. It is why seek the alignment and make sure you leave every one behind in the feeling of good alignment.
Task and alignment does not always go hand in hand and we will fail with a task but we do not have to fail with the alignment, that is a feeling you leave other people with who work with you.
So much is changing and make sure the steps you take. Take you forward to good places and good adventures if you feel that you cannot get the alignment or the space to tell your side of the story. You must leave.
You do not leave because you are weak but because you are strong enough to see that if you stay, it will never be different. It is Why coaching matter in life
Let’s be honest, we all need to find an understanding and purpose and that we gain when we can say:
Oh or yes I get it.
Alignment is how we unite with other people, we do not need to agree or feel the same, but we need an alignment or space where we can find peace of mind.
Coaching matters because it is a tool we can all learn and use to gain the results we aim for.
What is missing in your life and why are you going for what you really want?
Start thinking about what it means to you without holding you back from what you want in life.
Kick-Start all the roles you play in life:
Name all the roles you have and start being the person you want to be.
Your training is 100% tailormade and around 4 cores Health, Family, Mind, and Business.
Kick-Start all the roles you play in life.
Take the opportunity and create the life you love to live
Stop being stuck break free and believe in yourself and your vision.
We start with feedback. You choose 10 people you would like feedback from ( we set it up) and then
we transform your life. SIGNUP HERE
- Transformation
- Tools
- Daily Practice
There is always a life coach in the forum for your personal training
Why coaching forums work better.
Daily feedback supported with needs and coaching makes you capable of changing anything to your goals and needs. It can be hard to get told you are overweight, not fit for the job, or not the right partner.
It’s tough out there and it can be hard to stay the person you really are in a world that is constantly trying to change you.
Coaching forums
Daily support matters from life coach forums.
It’s the smallest decision that changes your life, it is going to the gym. It is taking the education, it is doing what you set out for.
How often do you get up in the morning, and tell yourself I am going to go to the gym today? The daily support matters more than you can possibly imagine. It is not the big decisions that will change your life. It is the small decisions once-on-a-daily basis.
A life coach forum as the daily support matters.
Who can give you that support and guidance in your daily life today? no one.
If we had people who could train our talents more, each of us would feel and do so much better.
Focus on your needs.
Often we get angry, fearful, and stress out because we do not focus on our own needs and desire. We give in and listen too much. If your values do not match the business or your partner, you are in a gap where dialog where compromise and alignment need to be in focus.
We never need to bully anyone to get what we want, we need to create understanding and insight into our different needs and desire. Life has always been about exchange, else we would all be the same.
The life coach forum is the place where you gain the insight and facts you need to stay focused on your needs, but also on where you need to align with other people. Daily support matters and makes the difference you need to ensure your not loosing out.
Share your desire.
No one can see how you feel within. Your thought and mind belongs solely to you. It is up to you to tell and share your side of the story or tell the world about your dreams and desire.
Nothing is given to us for free.
FREEDOM is the biggest master of: You must do the right thing. The moment you choose negleck, fake, cheap and cheat. Rules come in and take over the level of standards and requirements. FREEDOM belongs to those who master to work hard with true integrity.
The daily support matters, it builds your mindset to achieve your goals in life.
No business has the luxury to quit, when they do they close the business. If you believe then share your dreams and desire, and let
Why you need a life coach forum?
Life coach forum Why do you need it?
A life coach forum is where you will meet like-minded. You are not alone, and you are not the only one, who is trying to make your life look perfect. The life coach forums bring people together to unite and share problems, challenges and opportunities that life brings to us.
I have faced more problems, challenges, and opportunities than good is, have you?
A problem is a situation where you do not know what to do. All your skills and training can not solve the problem you are facing.
Some of my problems I wish I have had a life coach forum a safe place to ask! The problems were bigger than I could cope with. That problem destroyed my life and how I see life today.
Have you faced problems bigger than you can handle?
Why you need a life coach forum?
To avoid that situation where you stand alone
– feeling so bad and not knowing what to do – that is why you join a life coach forum to prevent letting yourself down.
A challenge is where you use all your skills and training to solve it. You have just enough skills and training to make it happen to your desire. A challenge is always good because your chances of winning are high.
Once you stand there, you know you did it.
Have you ever faced challenges where you know you could have done it better and achieved more?
To gain more power insight and facts to achieve the results you desire in life you need a life coach forum. Your family and friends do not want to see you move ahead and become even better. They love you as you are and are afraid of losing you if you change.
Why you need a life coach forum?
A life coach forum can support and give you
– the feedback you desire and long for, while you grow stronger and empower yourself.
An opportunity is when something happens and it opens the door for you, for something better, often your opportunity is someone else challenge or problem. There can be no opportunity if there is no problem or challenge for someone else. Everything we do in life is a string of happenings tied together.
When it for you is an opportunity, it is when you get to use all your skills and training to deliver the results you desire and want in your life.
A good opportunity at work can be another person getting fired. This is life.
Have you ever faced opportunities where you wanted to align and ensure yourself – that this was the right thing for you to do?
To give yourself feedback, be able to align with other peers or maybe you like to talk to a life coach, to know how to handle and create the right outcome with this opportunity –
Why you need a life coach forum?
Having someone to talk to and a safe place to ask
the questions which can be holding you back.
Results and feeling good.
At the end of the day, all that matters is that you feel good and can go to sleep with a peaceful mind.
That your desire, needs, and want is happening for you.
We are often looking towards someone else, but the facts are that no matter how other people do, the only thing that can have an impact on your life is what you choose.
We must not be fooled by life, but we must fool life.
A dancer looks free and flying, they are not free, they are counting and structured. Are you fooled by the fact that you believe they are FREE?
Fooling life is what we gain insight and facts from in the life coach forums.
Our mission
Is to give you a safe place to ask
You have the answers we ask the questions
Support from Coaching to take you place you cannot go by yourself
Mentoring to show you a view you cannot see yourself
How to find happiniess? – The Life Coach Mentor is a tool-kit
to get your attention to get into your life what you have to have. Every day you check-in and you answer the questions you have chosen to have in your affirmation.
Within 2 weeks you will feel so much better. The time you spend on the tool-kit it takes you, maximum 2 minutes a day and that is all it takes to steer your mind towards what you want in your life. The life coach mentor in your pocket is a strong tool to ensure you get what you want into your life.
How to find what you want in your life? – Here are some of the solutions we achieve
Want to have a great job?
Want to have good health?
Want to be in a great family?
Want to make more money?
Want to find a girlfriend?
Why coaching forums work better.
Daily feedback supported with needs and coaching makes you capable of changing anything to your goals and needs. It can be hard to get told you are overweight, not fit for the job, or not the right partner.
It’s tough out there and it can be hard to stay the person you really are in a world that is constantly trying to change you.
Coaching forums
Daily support matters from life coach forums.
It’s the smallest decision that changes your life, it is going to the gym. It is taking the education, it is doing what you set out for.
How often do you get up in the morning, and tell yourself I am going to go to the gym today? The daily support matters more than you can possibly imagine. It is not the big decisions that will change your life. It is the small decisions once-on-a-daily basis.
A life coach forum as the daily support matters.
Who can give you that support and guidance in your daily life today? no one.
If we had people who could train our talents more, each of us would feel and do so much better.
Focus on your needs.
Often we get angry, fearful, and stress out because we do not focus on our own needs and desire. We give in and listen too much. If your values do not match the business or your partner, you are in a gap where dialog where compromise and alignment need to be in focus.
We never need to bully anyone to get what we want, we need to create understanding and insight into our different needs and desire. Life has always been about exchange, else we would all be the same.
The life coach forum is the place where you gain the insight and facts you need to stay focused on your needs, but also on where you need to align with other people. Daily support matters and makes the difference you need to ensure your not loosing out.
Share your desire.
No one can see how you feel within. Your thought and mind belongs solely to you. It is up to you to tell and share your side of the story or tell the world about your dreams and desire.
Nothing is given to us for free.
FREEDOM is the biggest master of: You must do the right thing. The moment you choose negleck, fake, cheap and cheat. Rules come in and take over the level of standards and requirements. FREEDOM belongs to those who master to work hard with true integrity.
The daily support matters, it builds your mindset to achieve your goals in life.
No business has the luxury to quit, when they do they close the business. If you believe then share your dreams and desire, and let
Why you need a life coach forum?
Life coach forum Why do you need it?
A life coach forum is where you will meet like-minded. You are not alone, and you are not the only one, who is trying to make your life look perfect. The life coach forums bring people together to unite and share problems, challenges and opportunities that life brings to us.
I have faced more problems, challenges, and opportunities than good is, have you?
A problem is a situation where you do not know what to do. All your skills and training can not solve the problem you are facing.
Some of my problems I wish I have had a life coach forum a safe place to ask! The problems were bigger than I could cope with. That problem destroyed my life and how I see life today.
Have you faced problems bigger than you can handle?
Why you need a life coach forum?
To avoid that situation where you stand alone
– feeling so bad and not knowing what to do – that is why you join a life coach forum to prevent letting yourself down.
A challenge is where you use all your skills and training to solve it. You have just enough skills and training to make it happen to your desire. A challenge is always good because your chances of winning are high.
Once you stand there, you know you did it.
Have you ever faced challenges where you know you could have done it better and achieved more?
To gain more power insight and facts to achieve the results you desire in life you need a life coach forum. Your family and friends do not want to see you move ahead and become even better. They love you as you are and are afraid of losing you if you change.
Why you need a life coach forum?
A life coach forum can support and give you
– the feedback you desire and long for, while you grow stronger and empower yourself.
An opportunity is when something happens and it opens the door for you, for something better, often your opportunity is someone else challenge or problem. There can be no opportunity if there is no problem or challenge for someone else. Everything we do in life is a string of happenings tied together.
When it for you is an opportunity, it is when you get to use all your skills and training to deliver the results you desire and want in your life.
A good opportunity at work can be another person getting fired. This is life.
Have you ever faced opportunities where you wanted to align and ensure yourself – that this was the right thing for you to do?
To give yourself feedback, be able to align with other peers or maybe you like to talk to a life coach, to know how to handle and create the right outcome with this opportunity –
Why you need a life coach forum?
Having someone to talk to and a safe place to ask
the questions which can be holding you back.
Results and feeling good.
At the end of the day, all that matters is that you feel good and can go to sleep with a peaceful mind.
That your desire, needs, and want is happening for you.
We are often looking towards someone else, but the facts are that no matter how other people do, the only thing that can have an impact on your life is what you choose.
We must not be fooled by life, but we must fool life.
A dancer looks free and flying, they are not free, they are counting and structured. Are you fooled by the fact that you believe they are FREE?
Fooling life is what we gain insight and facts from in the life coach forums.
Our mission
Is to give you a safe place to ask
You have the answers we ask the questions
Support from Coaching to take you place you cannot go by yourself
Mentoring to show you a view you cannot see yourself
How to find happiniess? – The Life Coach Mentor is a tool-kit
to get your attention to get into your life what you have to have. Every day you check-in and you answer the questions you have chosen to have in your affirmation.
Within 2 weeks you will feel so much better. The time you spend on the tool-kit it takes you, maximum 2 minutes a day and that is all it takes to steer your mind towards what you want in your life. The life coach mentor in your pocket is a strong tool to ensure you get what you want into your life.
How to find what you want in your life? – Here are some of the solutions we achieve
Want to have a great job?
Want to have good health?
Want to be in a great family?
Want to make more money?
Want to find a girlfriend?
About CoachingAndLife
Personal Courses and training
Our personal courses help you improve your personal skills and communication for successful personal interactions. Each course offers you your personal courses set to focus on a particular area within personal behavior and personally-skills set. The Personal courses and training are all set up by individual coaches and trainers who are experts in their field.
Personal Courses and Training
Whether you want to communicate with your family, partner, friends, and kids, or you want to potential Business, employers, employees, partners, customers, or clients, better skills and good communication can help you achieve your professional goals.
The Capstone course will focus especially on making those important connections.
Make yourself more competitive by improving your skills through CoachingAndLife Courses and Training.
Personal courses and Training:
Extend your skills set from our personal courses and training. Gain the shortcut to your improvements and alignment with problems, challenge, opportunities.
Network with like minded and get inspiration and share experience of what works from your personal courses and training to speed up results.