Mindfulness and Buddhism – What we gain from being different and how we need intensive learning.

In a world that is constantly changing, where we have to give our best performance every day, and where we have to adjust and adapt here Mindfulness and Buddhism offer peace of mind.

Did you ever ask why we burn out? I believe we have no more to give if you spend your life adapting and giving to everyone around afraid of standing alone.

You will burn out. Somehow, we got it all wrong. We live in one of our best lifetimes. We have it all, we have the options and opportunities like never before.

We have lived years without really fear and yet so many feel fear, are scared, and worry.

Somehow it does not match. Where do we go wrong? Never have we all acted more foolish and un-smart.

We give up our kids, our families for the everlasting hunt for success.

So many people seem to have it all and still feel so alone.

We watch Facebook, Instagram TikTok. We search on google and we believe the results we get. Data is outsmarting us.

We are on Facebook for free, but behind our backs, they sell our data, and one-by-one we are not worth anything but when we come together and become data we are worth millions.

We think we get Facebook and Instagram for FREE and we use words like, who cares!

Why would you not care, this is your life. If you do not care about your life who do you think will care about it. Who do you believe will take action and care for how you do?

Mindfulness is a strong tool to find back to what matters, maybe you tell me know: you got it.

Then you are among the lucky ones.

I believe: Many of us can say and hold the sentence “life before”

We have all tried something that knocked us out, where we did not know how to progress and move on. Where does the strength come from to move on and never give up? From within.

The world holds two things that are the same for all of us.

The power from inside out and the power from outside in.

When we speak about inside out! we talk about how you feel and what is really you, without Facebook and Instagram or any social media is a person YOU – who you really are. A unique person. Coming from the outside in is all the feedback we get overtime in our lives that forms us to who we become.

We need to find a solid, sustainable balance between inside out and outside in. Can Facebook and Instagram make an algorithm; that is good enough for them to give you the input that will make you feel good?

That’s the question we face at this moment.

Facebook locked me out for 3 months and the first 3 weeks were not nice I could not even give my friends a hello for Christmas, that’s the power they hold today they choose who I am in contact with and if I can reach them. With a click they can shoot me down.

After the first 3 weeks, I started to forget about Facebook.

Today I am never going back, I feel so much better, I feel me and I feel so much better.

We burn out and we have almost given up even before we start out, because we are overwhelmed with stuff even before we come to work.

Remember the saying:

A man breaks down with his car and he wonders if the house on the other side a wheel have, he can borrow.

“I wonder, do they have a wheel, and he decides to ask the people who live in the house above he walks to the house, during his walk.

He wonders if they want money for the wheel hmm… and his mind takes over yes they want money.

The man opens the door – “HE yields angrily” – keep the wheel I do not want it.”

Got it!

We are fast to judge ourselves, often, we manage to create things within before we have the feedback. We have a world of our own.

So what we see and what we engage in has an impact on what we think and believe.

When we live on social media, we get influence by an algorithm set by someone else, and this means that you are no longer the decision-maker in your life!

Maybe you can handle it and maybe you cannot.

How many of us change jobs, and family and we may not even know what we want in our life. We change to try, we live to do little and fight for nothing, yet we are so busy. Busy with what? If you do not know what you want?

If you are busy, it must be because you want to accomplice something?

It must be because you see the light of the star burning out there in the universe. You seek to reach it.

Are you busy living and jumping from company and from family – who are you?

Do you not care about what how people use your name and your data, who are you?

The people and the business we engage with has never been more important, if you engage with the wrong people, they will knock you out and down and leave worse of.

Be careful and do not take the best offer, choose your way very carefully and think about how you feel.

In this lifetime! we are all very naïve, you do not know what happens before it happens to you and what happens can be something new.

We leave our families, we change jobs we move on we chaise thing we have never heard, and we are with people worldwide for a short time. Yet we do not know what we need tomorrow.

What does people that succeed do

Did you ever stop and think that the people who really succeed in life never ever leave their wingman?

If you are a drifter and you are just being pushed around how will you ever know what is really for you?

You cannot it’s not possible.

People who achieve results stay.

I often think about; the time before I got fired, the time before the company hacked my data. The time before the stalking.

Mindfulness and Buddhism.

Who I was? The good person I was within.

I did things because I believed it was the right thing to do, and because it was the right thing to do I did it.

Today I am different.

Mindfulness and Buddhism are powerful tools we all will use in a degree in our lives if we stand by ourselves.


Here are 10 things you get; When you practice Mindfulness

I believe there is not one thing you do not know. I am not here to tell you something new only to remind you.

  1. You will feel yourself
  2. Get clarity
  3. Insight in your own beliefs
  4. Peace of mind
  5. Better health
  6. Sleep well
  7. Know yourself inside out
  8. Limits
  9. Goals and outcome
  1. a clear way of what you want in your life.

Mindfulness will give you strength and a view that will take away any doubt, worry or fears.

You know have a chance to get a great and good life without having to listen to all the feedback and what other people think.

All at one point in time, you will not believe what you see on Facebook, Instagram does not have the same influence and meaning. It’s not your life.

You know who you are and what you leave, and you do not need someone else to tell you what to believe.

It is the best life you can give yourself.

What can Buddhism offer you?

It can give you a deeper understanding of what you are and what your doubts and struggles are about.

It’s a way to find the peace of mind you struggle to find. What it works for you is the same as mindfulness with the ability to think yourself.

What is your belief about yourself, you are here to find an alliance between soul, mind, and body?

If we cannot listen to the suggestions! We get from our inner mind and voice, then it is when we need to turn to stronger tools that can guide us to find the right balance and peace of mind

  1. You will feel yourself
  2. Get clarity
  3. Insight in your own beliefs
  4. Peace of mind
  5. Better health
  6. Sleep well
  7. Know yourself inside out
  8. Limits
  9. Goals and outcome
  1. A clear way of what you want in your life.

How we choose to practice and get the peace of mind we need does not matter, as long you seek it. Because, these is the tools that will hold Fear, Worries, and Stress away from your mind.


Where are you going with Mindfulness and Buddhism

Where is your life going? why are you so busy; if you do not know what you want and how you want to live it?

Think about your life as a car going on the road to a destination you do not know and you have not set, you are behind the wheel driving as fast as you can.

You are lost.

As I have said we all have a before, I often think about me before it happened.

Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful that I got out, I have a chance to work for something that I believe is good and where my value makes a difference.

Thankful that I have a chance to live a good life with my family and create the business I love – to work for – help people do better.

My hope is

That everyone I meet and engage with does better because of the input and engagement we had. I made a good difference.

I am thankful for what happened and the learning I got, I am still working hard to find my own values. I thought I worked for a company with the desire to help people be better.

Coming out on the other side, I see how the intention can go wrong. You must not look at your intention but you must be real and see the results you create.

Pharma business all starts out with the wish to help someone to be better and have a healthy life. Along the way, something goes wrong. It does not change the fact, that it all starts with the fact >> helping someone feel better.

How we help each other; and it is when we are weak and wrong that we really need good leadership skills tools and insight. It is when it really matters.

The challenge

When we believe we are doing the right thing and yet it is wrong.

How you see clear and how you steer and navigate and get a chance to interact and get influence from people who can make you see the world as it is for you.

How to get the success and satisfaction you aim for with the things into your life that you will need and love. Letting go and using the feedback you get in a better and smarter way if the game-changer.

The choices you make are important because you dive into real feedback; the speed, insight, and how you work with the feedback as tools to support the goals you are aiming for.

This will change not only what you see, but it is also the way; how you feel about it. It will empower you to believe in yourself and respect others who like you aim to create and fulfill a good life.

Your life will never be happy because you hurt others on the other hand if you help others your life will be happier.

You love what you improve and you love to see perfect good results,

What you choose to improve in life; and how you see other people improving and doing better, is what will make you feel the real love and you will love it;

Because you do better too.

Choosing to be good and help other people make a difference is a choice you must make it is a gate you enter and a lifetime’s work.

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2 thoughts on “Why Mindfulness and Buddhism are powerful tools? 10 reasons

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