Practice, breath, and stress meditation need for private practice



Clarity from simple practice, breath, and stress meditation need for private practice.


Maybe we do not want to show the world, that we struggle or find it hard to gain


the balance with life challenges.


Stress Is Everywhere


If you were asked to think back through the past week of your life,

you could probably point out a

dozen stressful situations you found yourself in.


Some of these stressful situations you found

yourself in might be minor issues like trying to

get your kid to get dressed and out the

door to school.


Other situations may involve life-changing situations or

serious stress that comes with having a career.




Stress is a part of everyone’s life. Whether or not it is welcome, it exists for all of us.


Each of us also handles that stress in different ways.

The stress response, and specifically chronic

stress has many effects on the

human body including headaches, muscle tension,

digestive issues, anxiety, and

higher risks of developing chronic diseases such as

heart disease and even shorter life span.






It promotes behavior changes like increased irritability,

brain fog, loss of focus, and concentration.



There are some key relaxation practices that can greatly reduce stress.



These practices can improve your overall health and

wellness by reducing the long-term effects of stress and anxiety.






6 Key Relaxation Practices Guided Imagery



Guided imagery is a:



  • relaxation practice that uses words and music to evoke imaginary scenarios

that are positive and soothing for the individual and focused

on a subject that brings about a relaxing effect.


  • widely used stress relief technique.


  • One of the many reasons that a lot of people enjoy practicing guided imagery as

opposed to other stress relief options is that guided imagery requires little to no learning.

This is something that can be done by pretty much anyone who has an imagination

and a little self-control.


  • guided imagery is a practice that involves training your brain to focus on certain.


  • images or scenery that you find pleasant. Essentially, you come up with a few places that

you find particularly relaxing and you train your brain to focus on those places for a set

amount of time in order to relax you.



There are a lot of different apps, videos, and recordings that can easily be found to help you get started.



If you are someone who tends to enjoy structure and needs prompting and instructions

in order to learn a new practice,


then using one of these apps can make the process really easy to follow.

Some experts believe that as individuals become more used to the practice of guided imagery,

they are able to incorporate more of their senses making their sessions more effective and realistic.



For example,



if you are imagining yourself on the beach, being able to envision the beach is great,

but adding in the smell of the salt, the feel of the sand under your toes,

and the sound of the waves crashing onto the beach are all even better.




Private practice


The need to gain clarity for yourself. At Coachingandlife we understand the need for private practice.



When we practice in private we get an opportunity to free ourselves from predicative

assumptions and we can commit to ourselves. No one knows what you are made of, and

what you want unless you bring it forward.


Private practice speeds the way to your insight and facts.


The information contained is strictly for informational purposes.

Every possible effort has been made in preparing and researching this material.


We make no warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability

of its contents, or any omissions.


Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Another effective technique, progressive muscle relaxation

(PMR) utilizes the body’s various points of tension to

increase your personal awareness.



This particular exercise was actually created and popularized by a doctor in the 1930s.

His name was Edmund Jacobson and he used this technique to

significantly reduce stress

and anxiety in a number of patients.



One of the really great aspects of progressive muscle

relaxation is that it is commonly recognized in the medical

field as a great tool for relaxation and stress relief.



PMR it is a great way to train your muscles to understand relaxation.

Over time, you may even be able to reduce the effect

that stressful situations have on

your body and muscles in general.



In order to practice progressive muscle relaxation,

you want to start by finding a quiet place where there

is somewhere for you to relax.

You may choose to lie on a bed,

recline in a chair, or even lie on the floor.



For this particular type of exercise, you want to be as

comfortable as possible.



This includes loose comfortable clothing.

The practice of progressive muscle relation begins with a few focused breaths.



Then, you simply tense and relax your muscles in the following order:



    • Forehead
    • Jaw
    • Neck
    • Shoulders
    • Arms
    • Hands
    • Buttocks
    • Legs
    • Feet



For each of these specific areas, begin by tensing

the muscles in that area for around 15 seconds.


Focus your attention on how it feels for those muscles to be completely tensed.

Once the 15 seconds is over, slowly release your tension and count to 30.


During this time, focus on the stark difference

between tensed muscles and relaxed muscles.


Many people who practice progressive muscle relaxation are

actually able to use this practice to put themselves to sleep.




Meditation is a really popular practice that has grown monumentally in the past


few years. One positive takeaway from the explosion of people who practice meditation i

s that it can be trusted as an effective tool for stress management.



As you begin to regularly practice meditation, the effects will become

stronger and your ability to achieve a sense of calm will come easier.



The most advanced of meditators can actually go into their mind

and find calm amidst the most stressful and chaotic of environments.

Much like riding a bike or learning a sport, you have to devote necessary

time to the practice of meditation in order to get the most benefits from the practice.



Types Of Meditation



Guided Visualization Meditation

Guided imagery is imagining a place or scenario that promotes

inner calm and relaxation.



Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation (TM) strives to reach a state

of deep calm and enlightenment with an end goal of

becoming disconnected from the negativity and

stresses of everyday life.




  • Qi Gong


  • Qi Gong promotes inner peace and relaxation of both mind and body.


  • Mindfulness Meditation



  • Mindfulness meditation focuses on the here and now, the present moment

without cares of what has occurred in the past or will occur in the future.

The hallmark of mindfulness meditation is

accepting the fact that nothing is permanent.

Consider the practice of mindfulness as it can

help you manage stress in your minute to minute life.



  • Heart Rhythm Meditation



  • Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) places a focus on breathing

and the repetition of a mantra that encompasses our

oneness with the world.

HRM helps promote inner pace, joy and stress reduction.



  • How To Meditate – Beginner Meditation




Step 1. Comfortable Place


Choose a peaceful area that is free of distractions such as

ringing phones and other people.





Step 2. Comfort


A common misconception about meditation is that you must sit on the floor.

On the contrary, many people find sitting on a

couch or a chair is more comfortable.





Step 3. Posture



Maintain an upright posture and do not slump your shoulders.

People who regularly practice meditation report that proper

posture helps you maintain concentration on the task at hand.




Step 4. Posture


Once you have gotten comfortable, and are sitting with a straight posture,

it is time to close your eyes. Your first goal is to relax

the muscles in your body and face.



Step 5. Breath



Through specific breathing practices they are

able to achieve full relaxation.


Focus on your breath. Consider where you feel it most?

In your nose or perhaps in your belly.


Focus on your inhales and exhales.

Follow your breath continuously for two minutes.

Take a deep inhale breath, then exhale deeply.




Step 6. Your Thoughts



The goal is to distract the mind from thoughts.

Deep breathing helps with this, so focus on your breath.



Be conscious of each breath you take, immerse yourself in your breathing.

This will be difficult at first as your mind will try to distract you and

thoughts ill attempt to infiltrate your mind.



That’s ok. When that happens accept it and allow those thoughts to drift

away as you refocus your attention back to your breath.



Letting go of your thoughts, especially negative thoughts,

and not allowing

them to take over your mind is an important part of

meditation as this creates inner

calm and inner peace and allows you to just be.








It will be difficult to meditate and concentrate when you first start out,

but with practice, your attention will improve, and it will get easier to

relax and focus on your breath.



If you find it easier,

then use numbers to ‘count’ your breathing.



So, for instance, count one to inhale and two to exhale, and

continue to repeat these numbers as you breathe in and out.



This can be an effective way to get into the

mindset of learning to meditate.



Meditation requires regular practice to feel its effects on

stress reduction and improved quality of self and life.



The more often you are able to practice meditation,

the longer you will be able to meditate in the future.




Meditation Apps


These are the top meditation apps as recommended by experts.


  • Headspace


  • Calm


  • Insight timer


  • Aura


  • Sattva


  • Yoga Glo


  • Enso


  • Inscape


  • Buddhify


  • Smiling Mind


Exercise is an excellent stress relief practice, and yoga

is one of the many forms of exercise that promote a healthy mind and body.

Yoga is a practice known as meditate movement.

In fact, one of the main principals in the practice of yoga is

that the mind and body are one.



Yoga poses are designed to relax the muscles as well as

promote a healthy exercise regimen.


Relaxing muscles is a great way to reduce stress as has been

explored in the many other types of relaxation exercises, we have discussed.


Yoga also includes both breathing exercises as well as techniques often used in meditation.

The culmination of these aspects of relaxation practices makes

yoga an excellent choice for relaxation techniques.



There are many places that now offer yoga classes in the

form of group exercise. However, if you are more comfortable at home,

there are apps, online tutorials, and private instructors who are

able to help you practice Yoga as well.

How to Learn And Do Yoga



  • Join a yoga class



  • Buy yoga training videos


  • Use yoga apps to learn yoga routines



  • Hire a private instructor







As mentioned above, exercise in itself is an excellent form

of combating stress and anxiety.

Tai-Chi is an ancient form of martial arts that was originally

developed for self-defense.

In our modern society, Tai-Chi is another form of meditative

movement that is practiced in gentle flowing movements.



Participating in Tai-Chi is a possibility for just about anyone.

Because this is a sport

that is generally considered fluid and gentle it

can be practiced by people of all ages and in all levels of physical condition.






Learn To Do Tai Chi




  • Buy Tai Chi instruction on DVD



  • Tai Chi apps – search for: Tai Chi Chuan – Apps



  • Hire a private instructor



  • Join a Tai Chi class



Deep Breathing


Much like meditation, practicing breathing techniques is

an excellent method for combating stress.

People who are experiencing increased levels of stress often

exhibit signs of anxiety such as rapid breathing.

Learning to control your breathing can help to ward

off the negative impacts of stress and anxiety.

You can practice deep breathing pretty much anywhere.

Practice deep breathing regularly.

When you first awaken, Before bed and numerous times throughout the day.



Try apps to help you make deep breathing a habit.

There are also apps and videos

that you can find online to help you focus on breathing in and out.



How To Deep Breathing:


  • Find a quiet place to sit that does not have easy distractions nearby.
  • Begin by breathing in through your nose for 10 seconds.
  • Slowly release your breath out through your mouth for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat this a few times.


Once you begin to practice deep breathing on a

regular basis, you will likely be able to control your



  • breathing more easily in stressful situations.

Final Thoughts

Unfortunately, stress is a normal part of human life.

There is no way to avoid stress.

The good news is that there are a lot of resources for overcoming stress.

Each of the practices outlined above are a good place to start.

Want to relax and get clarity simple practice, breath stress meditation.

At Coachingandlife we understand the need for private practice.

We give you a safe place to ask.

Reducing stress and anxiety is an effective method for

increasing your overall health and well-being.

By practicing stress reduction techniques,

you are improving your overall quality of life and longevity.

Practice alone can be hard, practice in private with peers

can become daily life, breath stress meditation are

just some of the options we offer.

For information email us.

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