Our Rules for Guide and Support
What you have can be the miracle someone else is praying for
Good coaching flashes
Good Coaching matters
Here on this page, you find guidance and support to know how to use Coachingandlife best way. At Coachingandlife, we aim to help you get the support and guidance you need to fulfill your life.
Time is counting and there is no return or regret button. You must stand by what you do and who you are all your life. At Coachingandlife we know what it is like to:
- Business be stalled, have had our data hacked, fired good and bad ways, bullied colleagues and managers
- Health having the challenges of keeping your health, become sick, be overweight, do too much and burn out
- Mind what stress, fear, and worries do to your mind, stress melt down, fear and worries of your health
- Family what values and losing family members, blended family, different religion and different color of skin
Yes – everyone here has a story
and the story has to take us to new and better places, moving on learning from the experience and know what you do not want to be.
Once you let go of what was – Once you see your new potential – Once you reach out and start building a good sustainable network. You will feel free and you will know each day counts.
This is your time – hour – minute