Why Coaching Bridge Gaps

Every time you fail? stress or feel weak you use coaching tools to get yourself back on track. It’s how we align at work, as leaders, with our kids and family.

You coach yourself to the results and belief you hold. Your inner voice is talking to you right now. At CoachingAndLIfe we are people who gain insight and tools to get the strength and power to gain the goal we strive for.

With commitment and persistence, you can do anything if your learning and training are right. Join us



Board member

Berit Ladefoged

+1 727 300 8443

The Way To Remove Fear and Stress

Stress and fear are a sign to you, what’s in the message? the only way you can remove your fear and stress is by knowing yourself and gain tools to bridge gaps with the people you are among. Knowing what matters to yourself and why it matters gives you insight and awareness to steer and navigate.

Coaching The Strongest Tool To Bridge Gaps

If you are blinded every attempt is the first try. No one succeeds on first try, life is learning and training and sooner you start the better you become.

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We Believe Humans & How We Feel Matters

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Do Not Make My Mistakes.

We Help you Speed Insight, Experience, Learning to Succeed

Awarded best coaching business
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Awarded Best Life Coach Forum 2018-20

We have been recognized for:

A safe place to ask and find solutions