What is life coaching?

To understand what life coaching is, we must first understand why we need coaching. Coaching is a tool to use. We use coaching tools to gain alignment or understanding of the problem we are facing.

Here is a simple overview of what needs to be in place to solve a problem, challenge, change, or opportunity.

Manage Complex Change:

If you look at the picture, all the initiatives to solve are something you see, hear or feel. This also means that everyone can do it if they get the right coaching. So managing life going forward is all about the coaching you get.


How to manage complex change in life

The road forward with coaching.

Why are things changing and why are we as human beings changing? Think about it?

I do not hold the answers! and I do not know why. What I do know is, that when a gap rise, we need tools to bridge it. No bridge has even been build by itself.

Every one of us uses coaching tools on a daily basis. It is how we align with our goals, friends, and family. Coaching is a tool we use for alignment to gain clarity and understanding.


A few years back I had a boss, where clarity and responsibilities were unclear. I did not know what to do and in the end, he fired me. The lucky one was me, as I was burning out in trying to build things he did not want.

I do not want to do it!


A gap you see, hear, or feel?

Look above in the picture, every gap leaves a feeling. If you feel confused, the design or vision is missing, and the reason why you are feeling confused is that you do not know what to form, shape, or make. That is why we must always start with the why do you want this? You cannot make it happen unless you know why you want it.

Why do you want to get along with your co-workers? Because you want to feel good at work? or you want to be a good colleague? To bridge a gap, we must know, why you want it, and not only that but where do you want to go, and how do you want to go there. Life is one open book of opportunities.

How to bridge the gap with coaching.

To build a bridge you need a designer, workers, and material. The same goes for a bridge to bridge a gap in life. You can form and shape it any way you like.

Coaching is a tool. It is a proven method to see, what you believe is missing, in the story you tell, you tell what you believe.


I was the head of procurement and my role was to establish a setup that complied with law and legislation. While I investigated over and over, how we could make the setup and I tried to explain, enroll and engage stakeholders to see my points of view. Fact is, I never succeed, I failed I did not have the coaching skills to gain alignment with the people around me.

Leaving years of friendship is a hard decision to make, you stand with the question – try harder or let go. When you believe you cannot change the feeling you get no matter, what you do, you need to let go. You do not let go because you are weak, but because you are strong enough to see you can never align.

Being fired is means my employer believed we would never align, and we sometimes need to understand what coaching did we not get, why did we not find the alignment. Leaving a job is when you believe you can never align with the job you are in.


Coming together

When people team up, come together we use coaching tools on a daily basis to find alignment in what we say, in what we do, and how we do it. We use communication skills the words we use, but coaching is the feeling we get, and that is more powerful than communication.

Here at CoachingAndLife you find tools to align with your life.








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