Here is how a Problem is defined:

What is a problem How do we work with a problem

A problem is defined as the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Or in your business, a problem is where you are and where you would like to be. A problem is something between where you are and where you want to be no matter if it is in your health, family, mindset or business.

The problems in business. Are easier to solve because we are many to solve, and more minds think better and are smarter. The problem brings along needs leadership, listening, awareness, insight, define, ability, creator, deviations, compliance.

The problems in Families, mindset, and health are much more difficult to fix because there are only one solution that works and that is the one which will make you feel good and do good.

What is a problem?

The problem is when you know it can be different, and you want it to be different. That’s the problem. Often when we are not feeling good, we are not performing well, do not feel at home in our family, or our health is not doing good. We find it difficult to pinpoint what is the problem.

That is the problem?


What is the problem?

Find out what the problem really is, that is a problem. When I got fired, a director went down in his department with the arms up and said, yes, she is gone. That is a problem. Not for me, I was gone but for the company. Everybody in the team is thinking, so when is it my turn. What do I need to do not to get in this situation? They will never say or do anything. That is a problem for a company.

In your family, if you want to know your kids, you need to listen to what it is they say how they say it, and what they choose. They are so turned in on you. That it is about showing them how to show what they like and have respect for it. It not it is a problem you will not know who your son or daughter is.

Why is it a problem?

Vision, dreams, and hope, bring along the desire for it to be. If you cannot create that, you have a problem. It becomes a problem if you want it to be different. An animal does never complain they fight to live.

How can you solve a problem?

New insight and new awareness. To solve a problem we need a different mindset than the one that created it. That is what Albert Einstein said.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking

we used when we created them.

Albert Einstein

Because it can be hard and difficult to find a different mindset. Coaching becomes a good tool to use when you drive

changes and challenges.

Because it supports how to think different better and smarter.

What is a problem How do we work with a problem

1. We listen

2. We feel

3. We hear the feedback

4. We define what we want to do

5. We test and learn more and test and learn more

6. It becomes like learning to walk first steps were hard and all of a sudden we do not even think about it


What happens if you do not solve the problem?

You get stuck and you will find a different way out, as becoming sick, give up and watch tv. 

Do never ever give up. Find a good mentor and coach and get the tools insight and learning you need.

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