Life Coach Forum:

Life Coach forum: A safe place to ask and FREE your mind.

Coachingandlife is for people who build people, improve performance, leadership, and skills to a new level.


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Life Coach Forum

Life coach forum. The fastest way to align yourself with the problems you are facing Find the life coach forum that suits your needs here

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Life Coach Forum

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10 Things You Must Know And Define To Achieve Success Among People

Time is Intentions and results What went wrong? Where did you spend time? When we [ Read more .... ]


New Entrepreneurs Can Boost Their Confidence With These Strategies

Business – New Entrepreneurs Can Boost Their Confidence With These Strategies How do you start [ Read more .... ]

Stress Coaching Why need trust in a strong mindset

Stress coaching WHY Did you ever think about stress coaching Why. It’s difficult today to [ Read more .... ]

Digital Transformation the behavioral changes and technology driving it

What drives digital transformation success? Complex processes which people and employees find hard to gain [ Read more .... ]

Use Buddhism In Mindfulness To Avoid Depression

Mindfulness Buddhism is an extremely effective way to ensure better health as well as to avoid [ Read more .... ]

The employer Alignment leads to good results

Alignment with your employer and why? When you are hired you are hired for a [ Read more .... ]

The Greatest Learning Will Always Be In The Making

The greatest learning with progress learning in the making. Learn how to navigate smarter and [ Read more .... ]

10 Reasons to write your topics in life and get feed back

Why scrutinize? When you write things down, you get it out of your head and [ Read more .... ]

Covid19 Pandemic Health And Healing

Covid19 Pandemic – How we cope and how health and healing will becomes the core [ Read more .... ]

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Trust, reliable and this is really a safe place to ask. It has changed my life and I have learned so much from Berit L. I am here to stay.

Diana L.
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Support and a different angle – when I need it. It’s a game changer and my performance, goal settings, and focus is clear. This is great. Thank you.

Mark L.

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What is life coaching and why do we need it?

What is life coaching?

To understand what life coaching is, we must first understand why we need coaching. Coaching is a tool to use. We use coaching tools to gain alignment or understanding of the problem we are facing.

Here is a simple overview of what needs to be in place to solve a problem, challenge, change, or opportunity.

Manage Complex Change:

If you look at the picture, all the initiatives to solve are something you see, hear or feel. This also means that everyone can do it if they get the right coaching. So managing life going forward is all about the coaching you get.


How to manage complex change in life

The road forward with coaching.

Why are things changing and why are we as human beings changing? Think about it?

I do not hold the answers! and I do not know why. What I do know is, that when a gap rise, we need tools to bridge it. No bridge has even been build by itself.

Every one of us uses coaching tools on a daily basis. It is how we align with our goals, friends, and family. Coaching is a tool we use for alignment to gain clarity and understanding.


A few years back I had a boss, where clarity and responsibilities were unclear. I did not know what to do and in the end, he fired me. The lucky one was me, as I was burning out in trying to build things he did not want.

I do not want to do it!


A gap you see, hear, or feel?

Look above in the picture, every gap leaves a feeling. If you feel confused, the design or vision is missing, and the reason why you are feeling confused is that you do not know what to form, shape, or make. That is why we must always start with the why do you want this? You cannot make it happen unless you know why you want it.

Why do you want to get along with your co-workers? Because you want to feel good at work? or you want to be a good colleague? To bridge a gap, we must know, why you want it, and not only that but where do you want to go, and how do you want to go there. Life is one open book of opportunities.

How to bridge the gap with coaching.

To build a bridge you need a designer, workers, and material. The same goes for a bridge to bridge a gap in life. You can form and shape it any way you like.

Coaching is a tool. It is a proven method to see, what you believe is missing, in the story you tell, you tell what you believe.


I was the head of procurement and my role was to establish a setup that complied with law and legislation. While I investigated over and over, how we could make the setup and I tried to explain, enroll and engage stakeholders to see my points of view. Fact is, I never succeed, I failed I did not have the coaching skills to gain alignment with the people around me.

Leaving years of friendship is a hard decision to make, you stand with the question – try harder or let go. When you believe you cannot change the feeling you get no matter, what you do, you need to let go. You do not let go because you are weak, but because you are strong enough to see you can never align.

Being fired is means my employer believed we would never align, and we sometimes need to understand what coaching did we not get, why did we not find the alignment. Leaving a job is when you believe you can never align with the job you are in.


Coming together

When people team up, come together we use coaching tools on a daily basis to find alignment in what we say, in what we do, and how we do it. We use communication skills the words we use, but coaching is the feeling we get, and that is more powerful than communication.

Here at CoachingAndLife you find tools to align with your life.








What is the refund policy at CoachingAndLife

What is the refund policy at Coachingandlife?

If you subscribed, you get a 7-day free trial during which you can cancel, at no penalty.

After that, we don’t give refunds, but you can cancel your subscription at any time.

The trail to try it

We encourage our customers to try the product (or service) in the first two weeks after their purchase to ensure it fits their needs.

After the 14-day period. You will no longer be eligible and won’t be able to receive a refund. We encourage, our customers to try the product (or service) in the first two weeks after their purchase to ensure, it fits their needs.

If you, have any additional questions or would like to request a refund, feel free to contact us at


Here you find Coachingandlife Refund policies

  1. Refunds after the free trial
  2. Course refund policy
  3. Special alignment refund policy
  4. Subscription and Course refund policy
  5. Third-party refund policy
  6. Refunds after the free trail

If you decide to stop, or do not want to complete a course in one of our special alignment training, for which you have paid. Coachingandlife may be able to refund your payment depending on our refund policy.


Please, read our refund policies in full in CoachingAndLife Terms of use


Refunds after free trial

If you start a free trial 7 days or 14 days. The free trial begins before you are first charged, so therefore, there are no payments to be refunded. You can’t get a refund for any payments made after your free trial ends.


Course refund policies

If you paid for training, special alignment, or course and you are in the middle of the course CoachingAndLife will need to review your reason for the refund and there must be no doubt of reason.

In most cases, you will pay for your course and you will pay to get your certificate. To get your Course Certificate, you must document, that you have joined all training and that you process the skills in which you were trained.


  • In case you cannot get your certification. You can request a refund within 14 days after your payment or your rejection of certification.
  • If you pay for a course certificate, when you enroll in the course, your two-week refund period begins on the start date of the course.


When you have achieved your course certificate, you are no longer able to apply for a refund, even if you earn your certificate within the 14 days refund period.


Special Alignment courses refund policies

When you pay for a course defined as Special Alignment, the refund policies for course payments apply to each course payment you make.

If you pre-pay for a course of Special Alignment, you can request a full refund up to two weeks after your payment date.


If you pre-enroll and pay before the first course in the Specialization begins, you can request a refund up to two weeks after the listed start date of the first course.

You cannot get a refund for a Specialization pre-payment if you’ve already earned a Course Certificate for any course in the Specialization, even if you earn your Certificate within two weeks.


Partial refunds

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer partial refunds for Special Alignment courses pre-payments.

If you aren’t sure you’ll want to complete the entire Course or Special Alignment, we recommend you pay course by course.


Subscription and Executive refund policies

All our subscriptions begin with free trials. You can not get a refund for a payment made on a subscription after the free trial ends.

If you don’t want to pay for a subscription anymore, you can cancel it anytime. There are no partial refunds for subscriptions, so you’ll need to cancel before your next payment date and be aware that subscriptions have a commitment time.

For CoachinAndLife annual subscriptions that come with a 14-day money-back guarantee, you can request a refund for a CoachingAndLife Executive subscription payment within fourteen days of making the payment.

To request an Executive refund, contact CoachingAndlife using our support service center.


Third-party marketplace refund policies

When you purchase a Course at CoachingAndLife or a CoachingAndLife Certificate through a third-party marketplace, that third-party marketplace’s refund policy applies unless explicitly stated by CoachingAndLife.


Refunds after free trials

If you start a free trial 7 days or 14 days. The free trial begins before you are first charged, so there are no payments to be refunded. You can’t get a refund for any payments made after your free trial ends.



How to structure the process

How to structure the process

Coaching as a tool is a method

To ask curious, organizational questions that provide momentum and energy for your daily conversations.

Coaching tools and Change management in your organization or team
A strong theoretical foundation that enriches your opportunities for effective and professional communication.

Developing is Coaching

Coaching developments the coached person based on his/her strengths and abilities – not about finding flaws and shortcomings.

How to structure the process:

Working with an understanding of the challenge or the problem as a kind of gamemaster. Because the gamemaster has “ coaching skills and insight” it enables to effectively manage and coordinate conversations towards jointly defined outcomes and goals, while creating spaces for development or improvements through inspiring questions and hypotheses that offer new angles

Get More Detailed Information Here

Why have Personal Courses And Training?

Personal courses and training

The new innovative shortcut to optimizing your skill set is to take personal Courses And Training. Coachingandlife is tailored to your needs. Optimize your skills set, through the shortcut, our different coaches and trainers give you the specific insight and facts you need to gain the skills. That is why you take the specific courses and training you need.

It’s all about the Results

Life is a string of opportunities and how we react determines what changes we get. The changes we get the results of our we react determine the opportunities we get.

Everyone wants results. Results as they define.



Courses and Training

We take courses and training because we feel or are Not Seeing Results. The only thing that can improve the outcomes is learning, training and a new skill set.

Taking a course and getting training is an eye-opener and will give you new insight and facts to act from. When you pivot from insight and facts you get a solid decision you can rely on.



Don’t Know Where to Start

If you’re what is happening is new, you may not realize how complex it is. People or humans are not born with the knowledge of how to do it. If you’re faced with a situation or task of solving a problem, you might become overwhelmed, and taking personal courses and training can support you.

Coaches know the process and you are not alone a coach will give you the tools and training you need to take control and start seeing good results.

A coach and mentor will navigate the process, which includes:

  • What do you want to achieve?
  • See the gap and get the insight and facts.
  • Start bridging the gaps.



Here is how to get started:

  • Describe what you want.
  • Time management:  Your coach and trainer will help you be accountable.
  • Your daily training:  Align on what is working and what is not working.
  • Time frame: How much effort are you going to give it.



Need to Be Challenged

If you feel stuck, or ready to take yourself to the next level a good coach can help you gain the motivation back. Wake up and dream and see your vision.

  • See the road: Get a clear vision of where you want to go and how you want to achieve it.
  • Push your limits: Unlock your limits and take yourself beyond what you see possible today.
  • Being your partner: A person course and training is your accountability partner. One who works for you and one you work with.

You will discover that it is very hard to slack off in a personal course or training with your coach and you may even discover hidden strengths to tap into that will motivate you even more.



Aligment in forums and courses and training

You Need Accountability and Motivation

Inner motivation comes from all kinds of places.

Meeting new people,

sharing, and hearing how they handled the situation.




  • Accountability: Make status not alone but with your coach and trainer.
  • Commitment: Keep your promise to yourself and be held accountable
  • Finances: The best investment you can ever do is invest in your skills and training
  • Time: To set goals and get your personal courses and training.


Why have a personal coach Personal courses

Personal Courses and Training with a coach.

A personal course will give you the training you need. A personal trainer will teach you everything you need to know about the context.

What to be aware of?

How to dot it.

A personal coach and trainer will support and guide you to achieve your goals. Your personal coach and trainer have often been there done that and know what you are going through.

New opportunities new skillset in a personal course

It can be a hassle and at times it may feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to learn what you need to know, this is a new innovative shortcut to gain the insight and facts you need to perform as you desire.

The personal course and training

We tailor and build the personal courses and training to your needs, we are all different and our diversity is our strength, which is also why we at Coachigandlife have more coaches to support your needs. We build to last and offer you the support you need.

Skills and training in a course

We take a mathematics course to gain the skills, this same goes for life. Experience tools and case stories will help you understand, give you insight and offer you the facts. To make up your own mind what do you believe.

Critical thinking

Be smart and know more about our personal courses and training are for you to gain the insight and facts you need. Critical thinking comes from practice and training the mind with different challenges and views.

Say yes if you mean it and if you doubt wait, your life is not a cue offer, you are not standing in line. You’re a growing and building your life with the people you are among.


Do You Have Life Coaching In Copenhagen?

Life Coaching in Copenhagen.

Are you looking for a life coach near you? at Coachingandlife we have coaches worldwide, we focus on skills, training, and how a coach unites with clients. Our services go beyond the normal coaching services, as Coachingandlife offers forums with every plan.

We never let coaching stand alone.

We offer

We have coaches in Copenhagen, which you can book on the site.


How to find solutions courses tools and learning

Why do we need coaching, courses, tools, training, and learning?

How to find solutions to align with your life. How to get the right training tools courses and learning to achieve your goal,  if this is some of the questions you are asking?

A course:

We take training and learning to achieve new skills. It takes time to understand how to master a skill and the more you practice the better you become. What do you want to be good at? and why do you want to be good at it.

Taking a course is getting specific training. If you take a procurement course with me, I will teach you all I know about the procurement and the different fractions and situations that the procurement role will demand of you. Each company you walk into will on top of the skills have its values, and you will need to adapt and align your skills and values to the business culture and strategy.

CoachingAndlife offers courses to give you specific training and learning in a category or subject. Once you have completed your course you can apply to get your diploma. Why do we not automatically give you a diploma, we do not because taking a course is not the same as mastering the skills. We want you to gain insight and facts, use coaching to gain alignment, to be able to master the skills you are taking your course in.


Life tools are no different than tools you get at Home Depot here we use coaching to gain alignment, people say let me show you how. They are life tools and they work just as well as tools from Home Depot. When you use them it works and it helps the task you are solving. The fact is the more tools and flexibility you process the better are your chances at achieving the result you desire.

If you do not have the tools you will feel stuck, confused, and hard to understand what to do. If you feel anything like this finding a mentor and coach can help you gain the tools you need. It is never personal it is only learning new tools.

With a coach you get tools, a coach will give you coaching tools and training and here at CoachingAndLife we have a variety of coaches to satisfy your needs

Use your learning:

One thing is to know a tool, the other thing is to practice using the tool, that is the real learning. How to master the use of a tool comes, when you practice it. When you try it and when you use it. It is not until you start using your learning, you find out how it fits your belief or your desire. Learning is not, at all the same as reading a book, learning is much more than that. It is a feeling you get when you master a skill.

We know the importance of having a place to ask use coaching to gain alignment, when you start your training and learning, it is why we use the networking forums to gain the alignment you seek from your training. Learning something and then adapting it to you takes effort, it is a transformation process and you want to be able to ask other people, how did I do.


What is life coaching and why do we need it?

What is life coaching?

To understand what life coaching is, we must first understand why we need coaching. Coaching is a tool to use. We use coaching tools to gain alignment or understanding of the problem we are facing.

Here is a simple overview of what needs to be in place to solve a problem, challenge, change, or opportunity.

Manage Complex Change:

If you look at the picture, all the initiatives to solve are something you see, hear or feel. This also means that everyone can do it if they get the right coaching. So managing life going forward is all about the coaching you get.


How to manage complex change in life

The road forward with coaching.

Why are things changing and why are we as human beings changing? Think about it?

I do not hold the answers! and I do not know why. What I do know is, that when a gap rise, we need tools to bridge it. No bridge has even been build by itself.

Every one of us uses coaching tools on a daily basis. It is how we align with our goals, friends, and family. Coaching is a tool we use for alignment to gain clarity and understanding.


A few years back I had a boss, where clarity and responsibilities were unclear. I did not know what to do and in the end, he fired me. The lucky one was me, as I was burning out in trying to build things he did not want.

I do not want to do it!


A gap you see, hear, or feel?

Look above in the picture, every gap leaves a feeling. If you feel confused, the design or vision is missing, and the reason why you are feeling confused is that you do not know what to form, shape, or make. That is why we must always start with the why do you want this? You cannot make it happen unless you know why you want it.

Why do you want to get along with your co-workers? Because you want to feel good at work? or you want to be a good colleague? To bridge a gap, we must know, why you want it, and not only that but where do you want to go, and how do you want to go there. Life is one open book of opportunities.

How to bridge the gap with coaching.

To build a bridge you need a designer, workers, and material. The same goes for a bridge to bridge a gap in life. You can form and shape it any way you like.

Coaching is a tool. It is a proven method to see, what you believe is missing, in the story you tell, you tell what you believe.


I was the head of procurement and my role was to establish a setup that complied with law and legislation. While I investigated over and over, how we could make the setup and I tried to explain, enroll and engage stakeholders to see my points of view. Fact is, I never succeed, I failed I did not have the coaching skills to gain alignment with the people around me.

Leaving years of friendship is a hard decision to make, you stand with the question – try harder or let go. When you believe you cannot change the feeling you get no matter, what you do, you need to let go. You do not let go because you are weak, but because you are strong enough to see you can never align.

Being fired is means my employer believed we would never align, and we sometimes need to understand what coaching did we not get, why did we not find the alignment. Leaving a job is when you believe you can never align with the job you are in.


Coming together

When people team up, come together we use coaching tools on a daily basis to find alignment in what we say, in what we do, and how we do it. We use communication skills the words we use, but coaching is the feeling we get, and that is more powerful than communication.

Here at CoachingAndLife you find tools to align with your life.








Professional team building How to do it

Professional team building How to do it

Here is why it is important for you to process the know-how and skills to build a good performing team.


How do you build a professional team?

  1. First, you need to define and understand what a great team is for you and your organization. Often it is good to make a gap-analyze to define and get an overview of today.
  2. The leadership of the team,  because what matters to the leader becomes the call to actions for the members of the team
  3. Build the connections between yourself and the team members to hold the values that strengthen your performance
  4. Let the team establish a Connection with Each other so they become more than Team Member. …
  5. Be the catalyzer of Collaborations to puzzle the alignment.


How do you build team activities?

Your results depend upon how well your team does and here are Tips To Create Successful Activities.
  1. Why are the team’s Activities important to the business and how can you do things during work hours.
  2. Focus on what you want to Develop.
  3. Get the feedback you need and make a gap-analysis if you need status.
  4. Be clear and be real.
  5. Design your way to be collaborative and engaging for alignment insight to strengthen your performance.
  6. Be open to suggestions.
  7. Be visible and reachable as the lead.


What is the process of team building?

Building a team is a process of understanding, how people work together effectively also known as team development.

Bruce Tuckman identified a five-stage in the team development process to become high-performing.

  1. forming, 2. storming, 3. norming, 4. performing, and 5. adjourning. Using that method will give you insight into your team’s strengths and weaknesses and where you will need to develop methods that make your team align.


What are the roles in an effective team?

The 5 roles a successful team leader must play
  • Clear communication and goals.
  • Able to facilitate and set the agenda.
  • Coach and trainer where it is needed.
  • A motivator to ensure no one loses the spirit and belief.
  • Conflict resolver and bridge builder to align.

Working with the skills to understand why a team is strong what makes the difference can change the ROI  and the whole performance in every corner.

You never know where a negative destructive chain starts.