Time is Intentions and results

What went wrong? Where did you spend time? When we ask, that question it is, because the intention we had to solve a task and the outcome, did not give the result we were seeking.

We do not ask this question, if we get what we were, seeking then we get the overwhelming feeling that we have success, and it is seldom that we ask critical questions when we have success, we did the right thing and we have the outcome our intention seek’ed

In this life, we see that sometimes we do not achieve the outcome that we set our intentions for. We did not come to the result or the image of what we were seeking.

WHY – focus on time

What went wrong? Is often the question that we ask? Whereas we would find more questions in ”why” did it go wrong.

Why did it god wrong – what is time telling?

Let’s use an example we all face losing a friend, splitting from our partner, going separate ways.

When in the process did we not manage to stay aligned and compliant to the task, the goal that we have with the person we are involved with? What is wrong with looking at a task differently? What is wrong with solving tasks differently, what is wrong we not wanting the same things, what is wrong with trying other things in other ways than we ourselves have thought of.

The goal we seek is how specifically did we frame it, when you meet a partner and you talk about life, how detailed were you in your overall wishes for this life? How important is it to you that you achieve the outcome that you are seeking and what compromises are you willing to do, is the order of the achievements important and what are you yourself doing about it?

Get yourself into a setup where you get feedback from time to time.

From time you get the outcome If it is not as you intended it is solely your responsibility.

Why? Because, there is no one who can see your intention, so if you did not achieve the results you aimed for then the missing link is inner work and inner understanding that you need to start focusing on.

We get frustrated, we tend to get angry, and then we solve even less why? Because who wants to put in more time and energy with a person from who they are put down.

If I ask you right here and now, would you step up for a person from whom you know that you would never get the compassion and kindness for whom you are?

Because what is in play, is the foundations of strong values as trust, reliability, belief and there can be compassion and love.

So, when you have goals, where you do not achieve the result you are seeking it is always good to ask the question, what was your real attention.

When you think about, have you ever been in a team, where you knew that the person in front of you had the only intention to take advantage of you, can you not feel it?

Something within tells you and gives you a strong indication, that this is not going at all to give you anything good.

Time the whistleblower of your results dreams desire and discipline

Can you recognize the feeling? or Can you see the picture?

So what is important, when you need to achieve an outcome. It is your own integrity, why do you want it, why do you want others to join in, why is that you need to involve others, why are you doing it, why

On the other hand, let me ask you differently.

What is in it for me? if I choose to help you, what are you willing to do to get me to understand you and for me to see and understand that it is what I should spend time on.

If I am willing to help you, how well will you for me define my role and the expectation you have to me?

If I am willing to help you, how well will you leave me after you have received your goals?

I will help you the first time, and if you leave me better off than if I had spent my time doing something else. Then you can count me in, I will proceed to help you and I will be there for you.

I will help you for the second time, and if you leave me better off than if I had spent my time doing something else, then you can for sure count me in

I will help you the third time, and if you leave me better off than if I had spent my time doing something else, then you can for sure count me in

What is happening, do you see it, we are making a stronger bond and building up confidence and trust, meaning that the more situation that I stand in the better I feel and the more I will support you.

You will be my hero and I will seek to help you achieve the goal, task or life outcome

Then let us take another case

I will help you the first time, and if you leave me better off than if I had spent my time doing something else, then you can count me in, I will proceed to help you and I will be there for you

If this changes for the first time, things will change and we will go separate ways in a short time

If you manage to keep me on for a time, it too will take me a long time to realize, that when I am doing the thing with you I do not feel that I stand in a better situation, that is when I will decide to follow and do something else. The life inputs that I get from you I will no longer pay attention to.

This is what happens when we talk in words, and life is so much more complex and not all outcomes and goals come to us as clear descriptions, this is life, life is so much more and so complex in many ways, which is too what makes it good fun and makes it so interesting to discover.

Life is an adventure in all we do. Life is to be discovered, and there is a journey for all of us, our journey is unique and we can for a time follow each other, but we will never be on the same path for a lifetime, the same journey is part and bricks.

The good news is that it means that there is something here for all of us. We are givers and takes in all we do, there are times in life where we are the learner, then we are the do’er, and then we are the teacher, depending on why, what, and how we do it, depending on where we are going and with, who we are going. This will define who we become.

Good intentions for everyone we are among, to be a good person has nothing to do with what we achieve in life. Because another person is not what we are seeking or does not have the ability to help and support us does not gives us the right to treat others disrespectfully.

Things are so much more transparent and if we do not behave in good manners this comes out in the open. Therefore it is important for all of us to understand, that there is power in how we explain our way.

There are choices in how we do, and there is enormous power in making sure that what we do we explain to the people we love, for the people, we do not care about, or that gives no value to our lives. Those people have to let go. We have to know that what we focus on is too what will be the force and the understanding part.

Moving on and letting go Does not mean that you are weak It means that you are strong enough

 To hold on to what is right for you.

The achievements and the outcome when you decide to let go is that you have come to the awareness that you are in a better condition and better on your way if you have different influences.

This does not at all mean that there is something wrong with the other person; it just means that you did not manage to have a good impact on each other.

Looking back in time, people were married lifetimes, now people are together for a short time, while they find the ability to and then move on.

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Time is what, we need to have a focus on:

My intention is to make it clear –

  • why you want it and what you want from whom
  • why they should do it for you
  • how you will reward the people helping you
  • how you embrace the support you get
  • that you are too only a brick
  • what you will do
  • what they and you achieve together
  • what is the difference
  • that without anyone you are no one
  • only you can define the success

My results

The only success that is worth anything to you, is the one that gives you the feeling of satisfaction, Not, success or what others tell you. What you have within, only you know, and what it is all worth.

When you close your eyes and you within the smile, Then you know, that all the effort all the hours all the time and doings, it was all that you aimed for.

Time will tell what we did and we lose sight of how we did it

The success is just what you wanted and – you did it –

Success can never be measured. We do, and we want so much to find out how to make a manual for success. How do you achieve it, what do you do? How did you do it, learn from me, I will show you?

Facts are that success arises from many different angles and the journey is movers that come from different reasons.

  • Why does someone get the strength and ability to keep on going even when most have given up.
  • Why does someone get the inner guidance to think different thoughts that create disruptions in different industries?
  • Why does someone prefer to stand alone instead of standing with the group?
  • Why does someone speak up and say that they see things differently?

Why is it that – we are different?

We can take some questions and look at them from another side

  • Why are you negative?
  • Why can you just not get along?
  • Why can you not just fit in?
  • Why not just listen to, what the group does?
  • Why not just be comfortable here?

Let me tell you why

Because life moves forward and it is the small changes and the small steps every day taken by many thousands of people that make the world move forward, Change is for sure.

We will never be in this part of our lives ever again, and changes are happing to us every day.

There is no return, time is the driver and time moves forward.

We can never go back in time, I know someone would like to challenge this now and maybe it will be possible who knows, but where we stand today, our lives are moving forward and our actions take us to places.

Where I leave myself tonight is the step I wake up for tomorrow to take.

Therefore in whatever you do, make sure the people that are around you, that you leave them better of knowing you, make sure that if you leave each other that you do with good manners so that you can move on with a clear mind and a good way.

It is not what happens to you, it is how you manage to involve others and let them see and know the journey, that you are on.

You can make everyone your friend and still move on alone, and you can make everyone your enemy get no help and go nowhere.

  • GOAL for all of us is to get the help, support and compassion we need to take us to the place where we find the satisfaction we are seeking.
  • GOAL is that we are sometimes givers and sometimes takers and our challenges is to understand what is the right thing to do in each case so we leave each other better off and that we
  • GOAL is to be better humans
  • GOAL is to achieve what we seek
  • GOAL is to spend the time we have the “best way”

The goal is to be on the right path and journey and among people that can see us as who we are.

The only thing anyone can remember is the feeling they had when they were among you. The way you made them feel and how you made them smile.

That is why the awareness of knowing gives the power to understand the outcome and the result even better.

Enjoy and do the best you can because it is for you and your way.

Make it happenmake the difference that Counts. What you do matters.

Find the tools and training you need – to gain the maximum out of your time – time will tell what you did.

How to steer and navigate

1 thoughts on “10 Things You Must Know And Define To Achieve Success Among People

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