What is whistleblowing?

What is whistleblowing and what is it going to help us out with going forward. We know the term of a whistleblower, a person who reveals something that it not done by according to law, or someone who tells us the truth.

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How to get clarity and vision – doing the right thing?

The law we need?

We measure, our initiatives on our intentions and a law is often made due to the fact, that people have died because of the way we did it.

Do we need a whistleblowing directive?

The whistleblowing directive is here to support businesses stay compliant to law and legislation.

How many businesses do you believe say they are compliant, whereas in real life they are not. Since we need a whistleblowing directive, this number must be higher than we believe.

How does the whistleblowing directive work.

The Whistleblowing directive – It is a link on the website or a place where everyone can blow the whistle – The company management aware of what is going on at the link. It is a system where the whistleblower is protected and can be anonymous.

Caste story for what is whistleblowing

Let me tell you a story to give you an understaning of wh ywe we need the whislteblower directive.


Start with the end, the ending. How did it end for me. First, I never though, of the case as a whistle-blowing case, the end.

I got fired, the business hacked my person and private data and investigated all e-mails and personal files from 2009 – 2017.

In 2009 did we align our personal Apple ID with our business profile. We did – Apple wrote – we only need one id. Today we know for a fact that was not a good decision.

Today no one would have the same Apple ID with their business phone.

How did the gap rise.

The gap build up over a few years, I felt the restiance in wanting to take cuts.

 Not report the loads as dangerous goods, and now make the right transportation set-up needed. At one point in time I needed to do a cost-saving where the transportation was done by a son on his bicycle.

Time and gap.

Over time I tried and I failed, I did not get management’s support. My boss said to me, if procurement documentation is on slide 100 in our corporate presentations it is not important. The CFO said, I cannot have my kids drive with my neighbor to soccer and not use his bank.

I could go on about examples of resistance to procure correct and get the right documentation.

The preach themselves as being compliant, but what it means to them is being compliant as they believe and desire, not as the law and legislation say.

Time and failure

 Today looking back. I am not sure. Why did I not resign or called in sick. Why did I want to make the right setups. Why I ask today.

I kept telling management, what they needed to do, that no one in the business wanted to talk to me, eat lunch with me or have meetings with me.

When they fired me, the HR-Director and CPO called every supplier and internal staff, to let them know that it was forbidden to talk to me.

One supplier even called me, from a pay phone, because they called him in to tell him, that they had proof he had been talking to me. Of course they had proof they hacked my data and personal phone.

What is Whistleblowing.

It is a chain of actions not being compliant. What does it mean not to be compliant? And why do we need the documentation.

Documentation is everything. A business can have the best intention and plans, but if they cannot document what they do. The properly do not do it.

A vision and a mission is a statement, but like I said, I worked for a business in 10 years, which statement was to support the people get rigtig product in time.

Their vision and mission is only talk. Today too much fake, cheap and cheat are taking place and the fake, cheap and cheat solutions can be hard to discover.

People are short time in their jobs, from 3-5 years and it is difficult to get him insight and facts to really understand the chain of compliance.

An Audit-report how often is one year gone? Background information not documented and all relies on the fact and insight the auditor saw that one day.


Future business must document their strategy and build an evidence plan. The documentation to show that what they say, they actually do.

No, sustainability plan no compliant plan are worth anything unless their is a string of documentaion.

Documentation and analysis of suppliers, how they keep compliant and how they ensure their evidence plan.

You are only as strong as your weakest link.

How can you fake it:

When a business needs to transport dangerious goods, and they book the goods at a transportation company. If they do not register the goods as dangerios good and makes all the ektra work and papers.

The Transportation company does not know that they are carrying dangerious goods onboard. They will then use a regular driver with out training in handling dangerious goods.

How often do you believe this happens?

When cost reduction is 50%?

Future sustainability plan.

Going forward, we need the proof of documentation. From Supplier pre qualification documentation to investigation and monitoring plan to be documented.

If we as consumers want sustainability, we must ask for the right documentation and the right documentation is not how you make me feel.

The boss I had – said what is important is that you please the members of the management group.

Meaning that it did not matter what we did as long as the management were happy management.

Build your sustainability plan.

How to build your sustainability, is gather analyze and document the information you get in one string.

 This is no longer done in excel you can change the data, and documentation and analysis takes too long. We talk real-time for analysis and documentation, so your business can address the right action point before they develop into the gaps.

Get Real-time documenation as you need it.

Build the stainability chain and get the information you need into the chain. At Coachingandlife we support build the chain of compliance through people.

Alignment from asking the right people the right questions

Resilience from getting the information analyzed and documented, and in real-time to ensure gaps do not pile up.

Compliance through people is the key to improve every link in the chain.

Why Build the sustainability chain.

Any business want to stay in business and to be the best is no longer a question of higher profit. It is about doing the right thing the right way.

We build a business to support and help other people achieve it faster and better. We are improvers on a constantly challenging road.

We produce medicine to help people stay well. We want to work in the pharmaceutical industry to be an improvement, who helps people be well.

Build what you need

Our feedback solutions allow you to tailor to your needs.

Get your account today and start building your documentation into the sustainability plan. Then plan and strategy are only worth it if you live and can document it.

Ongoing investigation and monitoring; ensure your plan and strategy is carried out the way you want to gain the desired resilience.

Whistleblowing Resume. Sustainablility strategy and plan.

It is game changing times, and as you have read, what is Whistleblowing and why do we need it. To ensure that the business stays in business and we need the Whistleblowing directive to protect those who knows what is being done wrong.

My case is the living proof of stupidity.  

It is living proof of the need for a Whistleblowing directive and the need to address difference differently.

Do not knock on the door to your boss and tell him differently. If you choose to, you open the door to a journey filled with harassments, bullying and a work-life where you are scared on a daily basis.

The Whistleblowing directive is a way to support the business and the Whistleblower for both in good manners.

What if management does not know and they really want to address work processes and procedures the right way.

The facts are we never know when and why a mistake enters our chain, the wrong supplier, a wrong employee or a wrong boss.

A business never knows,  how new initiatives, develops and impacts our business chain and one of the things and our dilemma can be developed versus compliance.

Another dilemma can be legal department versus procurement. AnonymousWhistleblowing can support the alignment between the two.

The new way of build a sustainability plan.

As Einstein said you cannot solve the problem with the same mindset as created it. We need real-time facts and insight to gain the new results. People change and what we need and desire changes with that.

Building a sustainability plan into a plan requires facts and insight into needs. It requires ongoing monitoring and investigation.

The good news is all this is that real-time data aggregation and analytics with documentation is here. No one needs to work harder, and it does not have to be difficult.

It’s easy to set up once you know what you want to document. The challenge can be – you must make a choice –

The choice you make you will document. Therefore you must make the right choice.

Who will we work for.

Work for people who do the right thing, why do I say that? Because doing the right thing is the hardest and most difficult thing to do. It takes collaboration, trust, accountability, reliability and team-work.

It is hard work and it does not come cheap, fake or cheat.

It’s creates abundance, belief and hope to do the right thing.

With the Whistleblowing directive businesses in the EU have been given a second change to get back on the right track and changing business cultures to strong team alliances in an agile resilient way.

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