What is the refund policy at Coachingandlife?

If you subscribed, you get a 7-day free trial during which you can cancel, at no penalty.

After that, we don’t give refunds, but you can cancel your subscription at any time.

The trail to try it

We encourage our customers to try the product (or service) in the first two weeks after their purchase to ensure it fits their needs.

After the 14-day period. You will no longer be eligible and won’t be able to receive a refund. We encourage, our customers to try the product (or service) in the first two weeks after their purchase to ensure, it fits their needs.

If you, have any additional questions or would like to request a refund, feel free to contact us at support@coachingandlife.com


Here you find Coachingandlife Refund policies

  1. Refunds after the free trial
  2. Course refund policy
  3. Special alignment refund policy
  4. Subscription and Course refund policy
  5. Third-party refund policy
  6. Refunds after the free trail

If you decide to stop, or do not want to complete a course in one of our special alignment training, for which you have paid. Coachingandlife may be able to refund your payment depending on our refund policy.


Please, read our refund policies in full in CoachingAndLife Terms of use


Refunds after free trial

If you start a free trial 7 days or 14 days. The free trial begins before you are first charged, so therefore, there are no payments to be refunded. You can’t get a refund for any payments made after your free trial ends.


Course refund policies

If you paid for training, special alignment, or course and you are in the middle of the course CoachingAndLife will need to review your reason for the refund and there must be no doubt of reason.

In most cases, you will pay for your course and you will pay to get your certificate. To get your Course Certificate, you must document, that you have joined all training and that you process the skills in which you were trained.


  • In case you cannot get your certification. You can request a refund within 14 days after your payment or your rejection of certification.
  • If you pay for a course certificate, when you enroll in the course, your two-week refund period begins on the start date of the course.


When you have achieved your course certificate, you are no longer able to apply for a refund, even if you earn your certificate within the 14 days refund period.


Special Alignment courses refund policies

When you pay for a course defined as Special Alignment, the refund policies for course payments apply to each course payment you make.

If you pre-pay for a course of Special Alignment, you can request a full refund up to two weeks after your payment date.


If you pre-enroll and pay before the first course in the Specialization begins, you can request a refund up to two weeks after the listed start date of the first course.

You cannot get a refund for a Specialization pre-payment if you’ve already earned a Course Certificate for any course in the Specialization, even if you earn your Certificate within two weeks.


Partial refunds

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer partial refunds for Special Alignment courses pre-payments.

If you aren’t sure you’ll want to complete the entire Course or Special Alignment, we recommend you pay course by course.


Subscription and Executive refund policies

All our subscriptions begin with free trials. You can not get a refund for a payment made on a subscription after the free trial ends.

If you don’t want to pay for a subscription anymore, you can cancel it anytime. There are no partial refunds for subscriptions, so you’ll need to cancel before your next payment date and be aware that subscriptions have a commitment time.

For CoachinAndLife annual subscriptions that come with a 14-day money-back guarantee, you can request a refund for a CoachingAndLife Executive subscription payment within fourteen days of making the payment.

To request an Executive refund, contact CoachingAndlife using our support service center.


Third-party marketplace refund policies

When you purchase a Course at CoachingAndLife or a CoachingAndLife Certificate through a third-party marketplace, that third-party marketplace’s refund policy applies unless explicitly stated by CoachingAndLife.


Refunds after free trials

If you start a free trial 7 days or 14 days. The free trial begins before you are first charged, so there are no payments to be refunded. You can’t get a refund for any payments made after your free trial ends.



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