Situations change – Life before challenges where support and guidance failed

Situations change and it is not what it seems: Why would I say that? Because life is never what it seems and be careful that you are not fooled.

Value drives you and your life.

To understand situations change how you feel and what you do, what that means you need to really understand what your values are doing for you. How situations change your life and how you cope is what matters to you.

Where do we see values playing a large role? In companies, today it is more important that we can get along than it is how we solve jobs and tasks.

We have little, or no tolerance for people, who say what they see, hear and feel. It is about how you follow the leadership.

How the smallest things can make situations change

Let me give you a simple example of how we do it wrong – we mean well, but our come is so wrong.

In the game, I lost, and I want to explain to the next player what he must do to win – I am helping my competitor win the game. Where what I should have done is ask him, could you see how I could have won the game!.

Had I done so – I would have been smarter.

Now I just gave my power away.

Situations change

To do this your values must be the same or similar, that means we become one, we do not have a difference in the company and we feel the same and we do the same.

We have like like likes – situations change

Over time like like likes lose its value! we find it difficult to trouble and problem solve.

What is the problem? Why we do not progress and get the profit we aim for? What is wrong – we are just doing the small things wrong, you do not get overweight from eating wrong one time, you get overweight from eating wrong on a daily basis. Your body does not fall apart because you do not exercise one day, it falls apart because you do not exercise on a daily basis.

What you do you become and situations change

Life is a long string of doing the right things on a daily basis, you do not leave your wife or lose your job over one incident you lose because situations change and you fail to align.

How situations change your life and how you cope Stress

A new mindset sets out? what thinking can make the same values do different things?


Sometimes situations change more than you can cope with:

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