Know people, and ask questions to get to know people – what game are they playing – What it is all about, think about it, what is the last thing you see and think about, at the end of the day when darkness hits.
It’s all about, who you are and how you work hard every day to be -who you are.
- Who are you?
- What role are you playing?
Most important for you to know people, and when you ask questions to know people, you will know what role they play, and you can ask the question
– where is the role you are playing leading you?
Think about, the last face you see at the end of the day is your’s When dawn hits and a new day arises you have a new change to take yourself even further to even better life understanding.
Why change it all – and know people.
Here are 5. good reasons.
1. Who’s life account are you adding to when you know people?
2. Who’s life are you benefiting? when you know people and ask questions to know people?
3. Did you come out stronger or weaker yesterday? did you ask questions to know people?
4. Do you love your journey as it is or do you want to know people?
5. Are you good or evil? to people – how are people left when you have been there – do you know people?
Is what you are doing substantial balance for the right reasons or are what you are doing for-profit and your benefits. Are you in it for the money? Are you in it for the status? Are you in it with your name? Are you in it with your soul?
Let’s take a look at the 5. reasons, knowing that we are all different with a different background and a different path for this life.
1. Who’s life account are you adding?
What’s the difference – to know people.
Today you may be getting a high paycheck for, what you are doing, selling?
Think about why you get the high paycheck.
You give your name to what you do, and your doings will define who you are and what you become. Think about what people will remember about you. That is much stronger than money and status. That is who you are.
It is why when you add to someone’s life account you automatically grow to a higher level in life.
When you deduct from someone’s life account, think about that, who that makes you.
When you deduct, you are you.
That’s the change:
This challenge in life. Do you think no one knows what you are doing? Do you think you can hide it?
Not possible those life strategies are worn out – just wait, METOO comes to you.
It will make you fall.
Will the business you are working for fall – you might take it with you – going down.
Having said that:
Why was your choice to deduct from someone’s life account?
Did you feel the power of the power.
The power of the power is where we humans often fail. We get a taste of something so sweet that we lose our purpose and integrity.
What did you do?
Did you create an enemy of life? Who is just sitting, waiting for METOO to arise?
So comes the day, where you lose it, the crib that you use to have, the power that was yours.
Power does not belong to anyone; Power is the imagination of time and trend. It’s a moment, and it is never lasting unless what you did was sustainable? So was it?
When Power faces the truth? Most often the truth loses. Why? The powers impact contains at its moment so much energy and strength. Over time the energy or the stream disappears and what will be left is the truth. It always comes out.
What does this mean to you?
It is your maturity in life skills and life knowledge. You let yourself be a brick in the puzzle for someone else and something else. What was in it for you – money and power. The two things without a soul.
that’s a good reason to change.
Let’s keep working –
2. Who’s life are you benefiting to/from?
Is it sustainable to you? And what does long-lasting mean? Who will get up and say, I did it for you?
You do your job. That is what it is, it is a job, and you pay with your name and your integrity. What you do defines who you are and later what you become. That is what the eyes will see. You are your doings, that is not the story you let out, the things you tell, it is how you understand and what is behind.
It is not the obvious that you can say, someone else did something crocked. No, who are you when you say that, you are the messenger of the message. You are what everyone looks at so you will need to know, and from their on, it is your behavior that is measured against your statement.
What did you benefit, what was in it for you?
Better be sure that what was in for you is what you want to stand for because that is what you send into the world. Think about your children what you give them, and how it will influence their lives too.
What was in it for you?
That is what will define you not today, but what you are sending around to and slowly this will grow. Today a seed tomorrow a forest.
Using your power and for deductions are steps one must always have thought through very carefully, as those will stay in a pile forever.
As Martin Luther King said :
Light can take away the darkness,
but darkness can never take away the dark.
Evil is not curred with Evil;
Goodness is
Which is very strange as light gives more light and joy?
Ensure your way:
Define your integrity
Know who benefits from what you are doing.
Let’s keep working –
3. Did you come out stronger or weaker yesterday?
Why use the yesterday and not today, because you have this moment, that is all you have ever. Yesterday is forgotten, and what you remember is the level, where it left you.
It is why – to know people and to ask questions to know people – it is why – Yesterday is important to you. In Yesterday you have the feedback you need to act on today.
It is your evaluation of what to do today. How you will proceed on your inner life journey, what you will tell yourself, your self life coaching.
That will be who you are.
Even more important, it will activate the people you are among.
What does that mean? to know people?
Think about your work, and the people who you work with, are they not all the same, at the same level and thinking the same.
Do you see them being different or what do you know?
Why do people change jobs, go from one position to the same role in another company, because they do not see the match between them and the people working there?
Why are people fired from their jobs, because there is not a match to the people they work with.
There is always something, and there is a change. That is a fact for all of us.
The journey we are on is for each of us unique. The learning in life tools is what is going to change our way.
Easy questions where we achieve our outcome simply by someone else’s hard work.
Easy questions where we benefit and deduct from some else lives.
Those efforts do not give you strength.
Strenght comes from doing the right thing when it apparently was that you could do something else, but you choose to do the right thing.
You had the power, and you did not take the advantage the quick-win.
Those are the moments that write stories. To know people.
Have you ever heard of a business, where they did not go for the quick-wins they had – we know people? What do you think when they take the quick win and think about what you would think if they did not take it?
To know people and to ask questions to know people.
It is to know yourself too – to know people and to ask questions to know people is not an easy game, it is a power that must be earned and gained.
Have you ever known something about someone that you did not use? What would you think if you had?
Have you ever had the power and not used it.
It’s in our nature to lose; we seek the moment right here right now.
Let’s keep working..
4. Do you love your journey
Which is the most important thing of it all, love your life, have peace of mind, sleep well and smile. There is nothing like feeling peace of mind. Sleeping well and knowing that you are on the right path of your journey.
Why is this important? Did you ever try the two – be in the wrong and be on the right.
Once you find your way, your role, do what is right for you. You will simply never understand why and what made you do those things.
Love your life. Do you?
Love what you do? And do what you love?
That understanding must come from within, that is your self-life coaching. You know what you are willing to do, and how much for how long
If you listen
If you do not listen to who you are, other things happen that will guide you in the right direction and if you still do not listen, then what happens.
Where are you going?
Imagine tomorrow, what is tomorrow going to bring.
What if tomorrow brings more of the same as today, would you do the same, and what if you were going to do this every day.
Imagine today, that you could correct some of the mistakes you did yesterday.
Imagine if you are going to face the person you did this to.
So if it were a good thing you did, you would not mind that there were a 100 people coming to thank you.
So it was a bad thing you did, I am sure you would mind meeting up with all of them.
Because you only do something once or twice they people you did it too, will forget – but it will stay with you always.
are we here for a reason and are we here to learn.
Let’s work on
5. Are you good or evil?
What will others say about you and why are things happening, are you moving the world or does the world move you.
History was not written by those who did not do anything and if you are among those who like to do things then know that you can fail, but you can also succeed because the learning makes you grow.
When you join the forums, you have a chance to be among other people who like you are struggling with same subject or topic in life. You and I know that we must fit and adapt in a blink. There is no time for healing, feeling and being unaware.
If you do not know,
It can happen to you, and it can happen for you.
It’s the same it is the outcome that is the difference. So what was it, was it to you or for you.
Meeting the devil is always hard, either you follow or you take the road back to goodness, that is often a tough journey as the devil will try to keep you down by telling stories about you and you will need to find the strength and power to keep climbing up to a higher level of awareness of life.
Life is simple,
When we have peace of mind we know,
When we are in the balance with know,
When you pressure life to a limit where it will change you, and it will define you to what you will come.
That’s why who we are among has a direct impact on our behavior and the results that we create. What we see in life as for right and wrong. Who we admire as heroes.
Think about:
When Obama was president, we all took for granted his good behavior. That we never talked about.
Today we only talk about frustration, hate, and worries. When you know people – feel how they leave you – with peace, trust and belief. Or do they bring doubt hate and fear into your life?
To know people is to ask questions to know people.
In the forums, good and decent ways are our way forward. We are here to learn, we are here to support, and we are here to guide one another.
That’s why the forums are influential because they are your chance to know, your change to ask and work with people who may have faced and tried, what you are going through!
It may not prevent, and it may still happen, but you will not be standing along facing evil and not knowing what to do or what can happen.
You will be with other good decent people who like you are on life’s journey with the wish to do the best they can. There will always be people who take advantage of the weak. There will always be people who do things for and to you. There is always something to learn.
Most important for you is, that you know that you can face it and that you are not alone