The choice ‘Did you just fall?’ ‘No, I was checking if gravity still works.’ (Meggy Jo)

​The choice ‘You are responsible for everything that happens to you.’ That’s a bit extreme, isn’t it? The choice is to choose.

This was the opening line of some motorcycle training I signed up for last week. I have owned 24 bikes and been off 19 times but some of them definitely were not my fault.

At least, I didn’t think so.

What is the challenge?

The training is challenging me to think very differently about my own part in what happened

– what I knew or didn’t know; what I was feeling; the various choices and decisions I took; the actions that led to a crash.

This is similar to psychiatrist William Glasser’s ‘total behavior’ in Choice Theory.

Glasser proposes that everything we ‘do’ (i.e. thoughts; actions; feelings; physiology) is a dimension of chosen behavior.

He argues strongly that we have a high degree of direct control over our actions and thoughts and a fair degree of indirect control over our feelings and physiology.

It’s a radical idea, offering a vision of the far greater personal agency and responsibility than many of us would imagine possible.

If I genuinely have the choice over what I do, I am also capable of choosing something better.

It means no more ducking and diving, attributing what happens in my life (or on my bike) solely to others or to circumstances.

The choice Control

I can’t control everything, but I do have an influence over what happens next and how. This kind of awakening can feel liberating and scary, and often calls for real humility and courage.

What are you willing to take responsibility for? How do you challenge and support choice in others?

What is the choice?

How does the choice affect yourself and others?

Nick Wright

is a psychological coach, trainer, and organization development (OD) consultant (

1 thoughts on “The Choice How a choice to choose is what really matters

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