The game plan.

The game plan you need to make a big difference. Imagine a bot selling without a destination. How much fuel, how much food, water, and equipment. Actually, the worst part of the war in Ukraine is, that no one knows for how long, and what the outcome will be. We hope and wish, and here we see how far hope and wishes will take humans.

There’s no rule book or game plan

when it comes to the grim realities of our lives.

Author: Simone Elkeles

The game plan we plan.

Someone made a game plan, set the tropes out and they started doing the actions in the game plan. Someone miscalculated and did not understand the world, the people, the countries, own country’s performance.

How you evaluate your own capability and know the territory matters, here I am not thinking about how the earth looks alone, no, where we are today we need to understand, the voice of each individual.

When the time comes.

What does that mean? it means the things that happen that were not part of the plan, like bullying, harassment, war, retaliance, hate, stress, illness, and burnout.

When the grim realities of our lives show up, this is when we show our true character and when the time comes there will not be a second chance nor a replay.

The time comes

I remember when I told the distributor handling medicine – that they needed to improve the transportation to the Ferry Islands, as it was not compliant. This is something I should never have done – Who cares, even now years after it is still the same and they get away with it.

What will you do?

Tell or leave it alone?

I have a plan of action,

but the game is a game of adjustments.

Author: Mike Krzyzewski

I should have known, I should have moved on long before this happened. The plan of action was not adjusted. I failed.

Do not make the same mistakes, make sure you surround yourself with people who support you better forward, who are in your corner.

If a Whistle-blowing case is what you are looking into – step out. Move one -this is your life and your game plan does not involve, solving someone else’s problems.

The distributor still has the monopoly and they still make billions, I lost but by telling them, I had nothing to win. If you step up and out, make sure it is because it is part of the game plan. Yours for you and with you.

Games people play.

It’s all in the game plan. If you do not have a plan you will become the tool or support that someone uses to achieve their goals. Without a plan, you are like a boat floating without a destination.

With tools like gap-analysis get defined where and what you need to focus on. Or what is holding you back from achieving the goals you want. Well-being comes from doing things that make you feel good. A sustainable chain is the small things you do for yourself and your goals in life.

Do not let people play you, easy said hard to follow, it is not until after you know how they played you and used to to achieve their goals.

Be who you are no matter what, nothing else is worth the price you have to pay.

Well-being is the result of the game plan.

It’s not the big things in life that will make you happy, it is the small things – even so tinny that you can not imagine it. Feeling the helping hand, that someone listens to you, or asks for your opinion. The moment where you feel alive and worthy of who you are.

Playing is a game. Love is an act.

Don’t pretend to love someone when all you plan to do is play.

Love is not a game. It is a lifetime commitment.

Author: Kemi Sogunle

Life is a game and we have to love the act.

Be well and be safe, where ever you are. In your work, business, and home. Follow the game plan you have set and adjust as needed.

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