A good choice – Begin with the end.

A good choice and 10 ways to make a good choice, it just some of the phases you go through when learning how to make a wise choice, knowing that you always move forward. This is the journey where there is no return.

What we all have in common is our desire and wish for A good choice. How do you think, you are going to achieve the outcome you want, do you think you become an alcoholic with one drink here and there, or is it because you drink much more than you should every day?

Do you think you become a good runner by running once in a while?  

How to learn mindfulness

A good choice Use your good logic sense, ask yourself good logic questions.

Here are my first 10 and if they are not the right ones, please add them to the list, we need all the questions to choose from, so we can make the right choice for ourselves. We make choices all the time, what is a wise choice to take and a wise decision to make, and once we know the right choice to make, on what basis do we make that choice?

If you think about it, know that there are so many before you that have failed and made the wrong choices. How do we know this, because if we listen to all their sayings?

You learn from your mistakes, you grow with the task, you learn from teaching, learning by during and we could go on, the important thing is to find out, when and what is it that makes you make the right choice for you, and can you learn anything from any of us, and please bid in, what are you thinking

– when do we learn?  

Can we copy each other?

People you look at, that are making good and wise choices, how are there lives? What is it that you compare with? What makes us look their way? When we make a choice? How aware are we of the outcome the result we are seeking? Reading this is making a choice, and if you are not going to use it or you do not get anything out of it, then it is a waste of your time, and then stop – do something that adds to your life and you’re doing. When we decide to make a wise choice, we need to be aware of how we are making our choices, where will this choice take us.

1. Awareness of what I must do, the right way for me

A good choice – needs the insight of – How aware are you? Where you stand today, rate yourself to get an understanding of how mature you are, rate yourself on factual, analytic, rules and intuition, to get the awareness you need to make a wise choice.

Free how do you:  think about your choice when you mix free and aware?

How free are you? Free to make the right choices, free in mind setting and free option settings, what is to keep and what is to let go? How stuck? Is there something you do not under any circumstances want to let go of? And do you know if this part is the thing that your need to investigate even better or more to understand if this is the issue or case that is holding you back from making a wise choice? Sometimes we need to look even better to find out what is really happening, and getting the awareness of what is really preventing you or pushing you forward to making a fast choice. Think about the book, who took my cheese, which is about, making the first right choice, the sooner the better and if you do not the problems escalate, the better we know ourselves and are in the present aware we do wise – or what do you think? Are you making your choices on habits, just not thinking about it, just doing as you always do, or as you feel obligated to and taught?  

2. Your awareness will determine how a mature choice you will take,

Does your inner calmness determine? how clear and well do you see from more angles?

This brings us to mindfulness which means if so that it all goes in a circle and that making a good choice can never stand alone, we must work our inner mind, and get the right mindset or have the right mindset to make choices that we really want.

We learn we grow in all we do we seek to do the best we can so life is like a flower that grows into beauty if we give the right circumstances when we look a flower, we know, we see, we give it the right attention, and this we know how to do, so we need to use the same skills and attention when we make choice?

What would you like to add?

Books from Martha N. Beck

3. Believe in your choice

We do and make many choices out of our beliefs. Believes can be so many different things and therefore also one of the most complex values we face and challenge, you can never discuss with a person, that does some things out of belief because it is so strong and can at times go beyond borders we could never understand.

If you believe you can do it, and you can.

Belief can make you move mountains, or belief can make dreams come true, it is your belief that makes the first steps from taking a chance, a challenge a dream to the next step when you change it, from something inside to a doing for all to see.

Did you ever hear something inside so strong, that I had to do it, dreams without a deadline is a wish, if you can dream it you can do it, all these lyrics and sayings are all very wise and a part of the journey for us to make the change?

Other sayings are, from nothing comes nothing, if you add nothing, you get nothing. It is our beliefs, that make us make a choice, am I going to do it?

Because I believe, so here we take and make a choice to make it alive, we take it from our inside out, it will soon be possible for others to see what we believe, how we do what we believe, how we treat it, and bear it and how we work it, may this is why we often keep our dreams and beliefs to ourselves, you have to dare, you have to trust, without that we think it and it stays inside like a dream a wish.

We must use our awareness to look at ourselves to see what we believe, and if our beliefs are taking us to the outcome where we want to be, we really need to look inside at our beliefs to understand and see our choices, how aware are we in, what we believe? Do we trust, what we feel, and are our minds in peace to make the right choice?  

4. Trust in our choice tells how much energy we add.

A good choice is a move that takes us forward

to better places.

5. Confidence in yourself and your decision

Trust is what we put into it, what we make of it, what we let others do, where we do not take over or question, we trust for many reasons, trust is one of the first things in life we learn, we trust our parents through all of our childhood, (yes I am aware of that it is not like this for all) for most we learn in life, that trust is a strange factor, a factor that is very powerful, if you can get the trust of another person, you.

Without trust in what we do, we will not accomplice anything it is they belief mixed with trust that makes us take the first step, we dare to jump into the water, we trust that we can learn how to do it, we trust our parents, we trust our friends, we believe that they want what is best for us, we trust our doings, we trust.

How many times have you decided, and stood by what you decided no matter what? How many times did you try to feel the taste of failing and then got up and had the confidence that you could continue no matter what?

Within you knew that the decision you made was the right one for you to hold on to, you had the confidence in yourself.  What is A good choice?

That’s what makes the difference to feel and know the strength from within, it is the power of understanding what comes from within, something that is very difficult to describe we just know, that this is what we have to do, it is like a preprogram. It is our confidence in the most important thing we have ourselves.  

6. Strength to know

What is the right thing to do?

7. The time frame is so important to divide and share your strength and doings.

A good choice – How long time will you spend?

8. Journey in life, we cannot not move forward.

A good choice – Where are you heading no matter what you choose, you will never stand still. Still is down – everyone else is moving forward.

9.Change must take place if we are to achieve a different outcome

A good choice – The ability to keep on going, to hold on to what we know is rightfully us, I know you understand what I am saying. Strength is to be achieved and strength is to be felt and strength is to be tested. There is no one that can fully understand what strength means until they have themselves tried to use up all and (still) kept ongoing.

The strength of a mother, strength like an elephant, strength like steel, strength like water. Strength is used and needed in different forms for different outcomes and no one knows, what kind of strength it has taken to achieve an outcome unless we ask and unless the person that answers truthfully answers.

When making a wise decision, we automatically say to ourselves that over a frame period this is when we expect the result of our wish for an outcome to be reached, you could as well call it set a goal, but this is life, and this is not business this is people dealing with people and when we make a wise decision we do so much more than just setting a goal.

The time frame is longer and our perspective and outcome are so much higher and more important than a goal in life that we can work for.

Wisdom for the few, to achieve the knowledge of understanding the choices to select to achieve the inner outcome in life.

That is the journey. That is a fact of life, whatever we decided and choice there is no chance for us not to move forward. Time keeps going no matter how much we would like to give it a pause or make it stand still for just a moment.

There is no break, not stop and there is no reverse. The journey we are on has only one way, and of many of the steps in life we face, many have been there before us and many will arrive after us.

The better we are at understanding where we are and what input knowledge and change we need to do, that is our challenge the change we need to do.

I myself can say that is the phase that makes me feel fear, and the phase where the choices are hard to make, it is where the power is strong, and the feeling moves one too much. It is the phase where I can lose myself if pettiness and the phase where I feel weak and are not sure if the choices that I have to take or have already taken are wise choices.

It is the phase where my awareness, strength, confidence, trust, and journey are tested.

This is the time where I need to look in the mirror and know, that without change, there cannot be the outcome I am seeking.

So without the feeling of change things would stay the same and I would not go anywhere. I want to, I want to achieve an outcome and I know I am in the change of making it happen.  

10. The outcome, the place that I have been seeking.

It is what is right for me, that is why we cannot talk about goals, we can talk about wise decisions to achieve the outcome for your destiny. Because only you know what is the right outcome.

The outcome is when you have peace of mind, when you close your eyes and know, that you have made it, the journey you took, and what you did was worth all the effort because you know that you did it. 

It is yours alone, it was your trouble, your struggle, and your solving. It was what you did, that made the whole difference. I wise decision is a stand and an outcome achieved that belongs solely and only to you. This is your accomplishment and your decision, this is a wise decision taken by you.

That is a decision taken a good choice made, that will make you smile from the heart – and make you wise.

You know that there are so many more questions to answer and you are always welcome to add. Thank you for listening.  

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