Retaliation definition and meaning.

Retaliation definition and meaning are mentioned within the Whistleblowing Directive. It is important for you to know your stand in case of retaliation with a Whistle-blowing case.

If you are about to Whistleblow you need to know more than:

43 % information to the business comes from Whistleblowing

11% of information comes from speak-up cultures.

retaliation meaning and definition

Who can file a retaliation/discrimination complaint

Employees, former employees, suppliers, or job applicants who have suffered retaliation or discrimination may file a retaliation complaint. The whistleblower directive specifically prohibits retaliation and discrimination.

63% of cases of retaliation happen 6 months after whistleblowing.

Retaliation definition.

The definition of retaliation is:

From the WB directive – “‘retaliation’ means any direct or indirect act or omission which occurs in a work-related context, is prompted by internal or external reporting or by public disclosure, and which causes or may cause unjustified detriment to the reporting person”

From WH directive 36: Persons need specific legal protection where they acquire the information they report through their work-related activities and therefore run the risk of work-related retaliation, for instance, for breaching the duty of confidentiality or loyalty. The underlying reason for providing such persons with protection is their position of
economic vulnerability vis-à-vis the person on whom de facto they depend for work. Where there is no such
work-related power imbalance, for instance in the case of ordinary complainants or citizen bystanders, there is
no need for protection against retaliation

I practice what does the retaliation definition means?

It is when the business, takes revenge on you for telling them something that they do not want to hear. How are you protected and are you protected?

Do not jump into a Whistle-blowing case, make sure you have invested your own rights and protection before you report an illegal or harrassed affair.

Case story retaliation:

Imagine, you know that your business is not reporting dangerous goods they are shipping with a ferry, and you tell your boss, who is the CEO that this is not legal. 3 months later he de-position you. 4 months later he fires you, and then he dismisses you from bonuses and salaries – hack your data and calls up all business partners you have engaged with.

Due to you telling the business, where you lose it all – get fired and lose salary and bonus, this is retaliation. The business retaliates on you for making them aware of – or point out what they already know.

Not only this, but a Director of the management – goes to the employees with arms up and says – she is finally gone now we can proceed as we want.

Retaliation meaning.

In most cases 63% comes after 6 months, the business knows what they are doing and if you choose to whistleblower you need to know the meaning for you and your family.

Life after whistleblowing will never be the same if you fail to do it right. You need to know how you are protected and how to address what is happening.

Anonymous is for your sake, you do not know what the business is willing to do. Imagine you wake up one morning and discover that your data – phone and e-mails have been hacked by the business. That they call all professional partners that you have engaged with and discredit your name.

Imagine going for a new job.

How to prepare:

  1. Ensure you hold all evidence.
  2. Report anonymous.
  3. Think about getting a new job.
  4. Consequenses for yourself and your family.
  5. How to protect yourself
  6. Legal advise who and where.

In the end, be aware that 66% of all Whistleblowers experiences retaliation, and think through how you act up this. Join Coachingandlife and get much more information in the closed forums. Why and how you need to protect yourself best way going forward.

If I knew that the business I worked for, acted the way they do, I would just have waved, smiled, and walked away. Do better and smarter.

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