When you use the forum, start using these TEMPLATES, why because among members we all face difficulties in different phases, when you use the GAP templates, GAP tools, or any of the other templates tell the other members which template you use.

Start using these TEMPLATES, why  – because among members we all face difficulties in different phases, when you use the GAP templates, GAP tools, or any of the other templates tell the other members which template you use.


– because among members we all face difficulties in different phases, when you use the GAP templates, GAP tools, or any of the other templates tell the other members which template you use. The templates can always be improved and please give CAL feed back to change for even better tool to use. REMEMBER you are UNIQUE tell your story from the shoes you are in.


When you use the templates – no matter who you are and what story you tell, you align with the other members. Members can support your way.


Tell your story, your side of the story as you feel it, use your words and from there decide what YOU want. Let’s talk about you, It is your story, and it is Unique

only you can write it, and only you right now understands what ‘s in the story.

When you are ready you can use the templates, join with other members a TEMPLATE is not a solution it is a guidance to help you doing your life coaching work.

If you want you can change your membership from ME to BY-INVITATION-ONLY – then life coaches will be here among.

Using your story, using the templates maybe your steps after personal life coaching.

Personal life coaching is still a strong way to support you in finding your right outcome

May the templates support you during your journey – find out what you want – get your goals – what you want to achieve and DO IT

Service Specification

Most products fall between these two extremes. For example, a restaurant provides a physical good, but also provides services in the form of ambience, the setting and clearing of the table, etc.

Economic Services

And although some utilities actually deliver physical goods — like water utilities which actually deliver water — utilities are usually treated as services.

Economic Services

And although some utilities actually deliver physical goods — like water utilities which actually deliver water — utilities are usually treated as services.