You hurt me, finding balance again when feeling hurt.

One of the most important things in life is finding balance again, good balance with good mindset.

Hurt is a pain and finding balance again from hurt

What happens when you are hurt: you hurt because it comes unexpected and the action taking is breaking your believes and trust.

For a second you have to redefine how life is for you.

Your world stops and all that use to give you meaning has taken a turn, and you have what you are.

Depending on the deepness of the hurt you react, so if the hurt is a minor hurt for you. You will shake you’re heard and move on, but if the hurt is getting to you, it rocks the inner.

Life coaching is a robust tool and a place to tell your story is what you need.
Think about, who will you tell your story?

– Who will have the life knowledge to support you in that story?

Lifeways and life knowledge change fast, and we can not possibly know that many people who can guide and help us through.

Finding balance again Can you do it by yourself:


Maybe being in a community where the aim is to support one another is what we need. The helping hand and the help of knowing what is happening.

Let’s look into cases to see how the support you get is necessary and have a direct impact on what you do.

What happened: finding balance again
You need to tell your story to find balance again.

Find out what hurt you and what it is, that is hurting.

Why You hurt because you’re out of balance. Shaken and you need to find your way back.

Yes, you hurt me, I did not expect it to happen.

Finding balance again is what I want and Yes, I am hurt. Because I did not see it coming and could not prepare myself for the challenge, the hurt, and pain.

They did it, I got fired, in the ugliest way, a way you do not want for anyone to face and yes it did hurt me.

I have seen the face of the company which changes all. It is not the company it is the people who run it.

It is the way they do business and the way they are. I want to be on the other scale of what they are and what they do. If they say white, I will choose black, if they say that is they it is I know there is something else undercover, I have seen the actual color of their real face.

If everyone acts as they act, we would be living in the stone age.
There would be no decency; there would be no heart, there would be grief and misery.


Looking back, I am happy that I am out, free and feeling good.

My story is:

I was getting sick and did not feel good at all; I was losing myself and all I stand for.

It did not happen to ME – if happened for ME. Looking back and finding my inner balance.

Feel good I feel good today six months late and I have a new life where balance, smile, and achievements are part of me too.

I see a new world

A new world with many challenges and more than ever I do know I can never face challenges alone.

Know, I know the power of my story and telling my story to the right people, and I get the proper support, and even more, I get the right guidance that will make my story work with me and give me strength and inner wisdom to be who I am.

What did the story teach me:
It showed me that I was not aware of law and rules. Outsmarted is smart, you let people do something, and when it is in your favor you allow to happen, and the day where you need it is the day you take that card up. You twist and disburse other people because they help and work on the tasks, you outsmart them.
Is it fair, are you fair when you do that?

Think about the wording

Yes. you can outsmart by everyone one time, but you cannot trick everyone all the time.

And You get as you do, and if this is your way, you will run out of good luck.

Wrong business is always limited

And if you do wrong business and your time will come to an end.

The people you are among, the teachers you have to teach you how to do the right thing has the direct impact on how you will and if you will move on in good manners and ways.

In whatever you do, never take advantage of the weak and the one who gets court because they do not know.
In BY-INVITATION-ONLY you will find the support and guidance for balance and achievements which will ensure that you have the opportunity to move on in good manners.

See the hard part of being hurt is:

How to let it go and move on:

Do you destroy something permanently because you are temporarily upset?

Make sure you get the guidance you need to let it go! Are you not like them? Is it not your way? Which is why your road is dividing? Look in the mirror and see the difference.

Think about it – do you want to stand next to

Do you want them to control what you are doing and how? Think about how different you are in all good manners, do you like the way to act, their leadership, think about the face you meet – think about what you know is behind the face.

Let it go

Because you can and because if you turn into them you will be like them and nothing will change. Which is the reason that it happened? You asked for the change. It is for you.

Find your balance and your words, what you are and who you are.
I have moved on, this part of the blog has taken me more than 10 hours to make, do and re-do because I do not feel good thinking about how and what they did. I am grateful I can sing I am fine I am me.
So much great has come forward, I have a voice, I have an opinion, and I can make it happen.

If people do you wrong

Seek the forum for the guidance and support you need. There are so many stories to learn from, and you can teach others from your story. Help someone get through, tell them your journey and your discoveries.

Tell them what to be aware of, teach them to see the signs and what to look out for. Maybe this was what I needed; I would never have left. So perhaps I should be so grateful because my balance and my life are so much better today.

Reach out you are not alone – trust me.

Listen to the people in the forums – it is good people who like you are seeking to move on and make the walk through hard times.

The journey of life
Knowing where you are going and what the mission is about and make sure, that the people you are around are – who are like you want to be – this is how


If you like to be around people who cheat, then be aware of that one day, this is what will happen to you.
If you like to be around people who leave you better of, then be aware of that this is how you stand.

Be grateful for the challenges you get, be thankful that people who mistreat you leave your life and if you are not strong enough to do the cut, be grateful that they do it.

Finding balance is about knowing who you are and being among people who treat you well and gives you strength to be an even better you.

Be grateful when you are set free

it is a new change a new beginning a change for you to find the new way and even better living.
Your inner balance and your ability to get over it and move on is your chance to find what you are looking for.

The story you tell is very important and it is more important than you can imagine.

Because at some point in the story you break free and take a different direction.

It is when the time come and your journey changes and takes a different direction forward to something much better.

In whatever you do, ask yourself am I building myself a better tomorrow.

You and I are not in competition with anyone. The only competition we ever face is our inner competition.

It is your life story and the feeling you leave for others.

An what you and I will remember, the support and guidance we got when we did not have the answers.

What is impossible is to know it all.

Lets we support and guide each other, and we will have a much better chance of making it through.

What is that you want?

Face insight and facts to know what is important to look for, start searching and testing and asking.

What is that I wish for, how do I want my life to be, what do I want to do, how do I want people to be to each other, what is essential?

Knowing where to get the right support and guidance. If you know where to seek counseling to achieve the right outcome you have a good chance of making it happen.

We all get to experience to feel different and divergent it is on a matter of time or and the range of people we run into, no one can match everyone all the time.

When you meet-up with someone who is different from you think about – why would you not treat them well. Different is not equal to wrong or bad.

Different is just another way.

In whatever har decision you have to take or have to go through, ensure what you know where to get the right support and guidance.
We have so little time here, and during our time it is vital that we build good days. With good days come strength, with strength comes the wish to create and with creativity comes new ways of thinking and life.

Life goes on and moves forward, and it is all up to you. It is your chance to make new meaning and create a better experience.

Be thankful for it, be grateful that you get another chance to do something even better.

All the wisdom you take with you. It is only to wait a moment and to look around is the outcome for the better.

I guess not

In whatever you do, how you manage to work your life balance is so important to you. To have balance in life, does not mean that you are not working hard, it only says that with balance what you do makes you feel good and happy.

If you have life balance, you can accomplice almost anything because what you are doing is right

For me I can only say, I am grateful, that I have a chance now to find my way in life. I got a chance to find out what I am good at; I have a chance to find out what is right for me and be who I am.

Humble can we offer you to join us here, we believe if we share our life knowledge and life stories. We support and guide each other to be our best.

Challenges is a chance for change. To create something even better and get a better life.

Where does the challenge arise:

What do you need to do?
And even more important What do you want to improve?
How will you see the difference?
When will you know you made it?

Start working with yourself and use a CAL Life Coach and use your self-coaching to achieve the life you want

If no challenges or changes come into your life.

Things will appropriately be the same – is that what you want. Could you ever imagine that nothing would ever change

– is the life not about changing and improving

– take the step and start looking for your life. Be good to yourself by making the right choices for you.

To be kind to yourself is to leave yourself in a stronger position when you enter talk with someone.

Be kind because you want them to be kind to you, enter with a good language because you want them to talk well to you, be kind because you want them and it will give you balance is to know that in whatever situation you enter.

You come out in balance.

Life balance to achieve, life balance for mindfulness.

If you are still reading this, I wish you well and I wish you find the support and guidance you need to find your way.

Be safe and be well

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