Do not make my mistakes a coach holds specific tools and training for you to do better here is a coach journey by Nick

A Coaching Journey

Interview with Nick Wright

C&L                       How did you get into coaching?

Nick                      My background was in community development and human rights work before moving into learning and development then organization development (OD).

I saw the difference that enabling people, teams, and organizations to fulfill their potential could make and I studied and trained in non-managerial supervision and human resource development and, later, in coaching psychology.

How coaching skills helps us understand

C&L                       What sectors do you work in?

Nick                      Most of my work is with people and organizations with a social purpose, particularly in the charity and international non-governmental organization (INGO) sectors.

I’ve completed people and culture assignments in 14 countries to date, which has included individual and leadership team coaching and I’ve also done some work with local authorities and the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK.

C&L                       What are the main influences in your coaching?

Nick                      My coaching theory and practice has evolved over the years. I draw on various fields and dimensions, including: spiritual-existential; psychological-social constructionist; cultural-systemic.

This entails helping people, teams, and organizations to grow in insight, fulfill their potential, and achieve their goals.

Bearing in mind who or what is important to them and influencing their values, thinking, practice and relationships.

C&L                       You mention ‘spiritual’. Can you say more?

Nick                      Yes, I am a follower of Jesus.

I’ve written some pieces on how these distinctive influences and shapes my coaching, leadership, and OD thinking and practice, including:

Spirituality in Coaching:;

Word to the Wise:;

A Radical Heart:

C&L                       What is main focus in your coaching?

Nick                      My goal is to enable people, teams, and organizations to be as inspiring, resourceful, resilient, and effective as possible.

This entails helping them to grow in ‘critical reflexivity’ (e.g. awareness of how they influence what they notice and experience) and ‘critical reflective practice’

(e.g. learning and enhancing practice through experience, reflection, theory, and experimentation).

C&L                       What advice would you give to new coaches?

Nick                      Decide what’s important to you.

For instance; I want to support people, who are the poorest and most vulnerable in the world. I have no interest in helping the rich get richer.

Study, research, read, and train in different ideas and approaches to coaching. Practice with as diverse a group of clients as possible.

Work with a supervisor to help you keep learning and growing to be your best. Pray.

Nick Wright is a qualified and experienced psychological coach, trainer, and organization development (consultant) who is based in the UK and works internationally.

You can see his more about his experience-approach and published articles and blogs here:


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