What is Help ?

What is Help ?

What is help and what do I offer you if I offer you help!

Think about it, help is the hand that gives you support and guidance to help you through a specifik situation or help to plan your way forward or plan what to do. Help is more specifik and more hand-on manner than guidance and support. Help is holding your hand.

Think about the Help you need! 

Where are you right now, why is help the support and guidance you aim for, where do you want to be, Who can support you “a Coach” or “members” – help is so powerful and for you to use wisely

How do you want the Help!  

Why do you want Help, when is a good time for you to get the Help and how do you want the Help as a talk, writing a program, how can I hold your hand through it?

Reflex and ask

– seek and look – ask and know – being a member is a “life style” to share to improve or ask an ambassador for Guidance to know the difference – Guidance is a strong tool to use